greetings from the perpetual waves of St Thomas
Fri, 06 Feb 1998 16:13:31 GMT

Hi Jerry and everyone. This is all very fascinating. I'm afraid my
knowledge of electrical and magnetic theory is so poor I won't be able
to contribute anything of substance to a lot of the discussions going
on here. Let me (briefly) try to explain why I'm writing, and why I
I'm a 32 year old musician (jazz), who recently moved here
from Maine.( On a one year sabbatical leave from teaching at the
University of Maine - down here playing and house-sitting:-) I
remember the childlike excitement I felt when I first started reading
and learning about Wilhelm Reich. I've always been interested in
different ways of seeing things. But I'm a big fan of the scientific
method. With Reich, here was a SCIENTIST who looked at things from a
fresh perspective. It was perfect for me. Over the years I've
collected most all of his books and visited his lab many times. Thomas
Kuhn's book really hit home too, among others...
Ever since discovering the internet about two years ago, most
of my time online is at places like KeelyNet or the Institute for New
Energy. When I first started reading about Keely - WOW! As a
musician I found it quite interesting- it realy hit home - It seemed
to make sense on some sort of intuitive level.

Anyway I said I'd keep it brief.I have two questions that I
would like answered by someone out there.

1. Can someone reccomend any specific reading material to get me
up to speed on electricity? You won't be insulting me by starting very
basic. I read a lot and hope to be a contributing member to this
forum as soon as possible. And don't worry, (unlike some of the
people who come up to me and talk about music!), I know when I don't
know something, I won't waste people's time. Except for perhaps this

2. After two years of reading about FE, perpetual motion......
(Whatever happened to that Finsrud sculpture anyway? I'd really like
to know. There just seemed to be no more news about it.), even
though I haven't ever seen such a device, I still have an open mind
about the possibility. I sincerely hope that Jerry's remarks about
the Bessler wheel secret coming out in '98 will hold true. I mean, I
want one of those wheels! Not a big one. It only has to be a small
one. But I want one. Now. On my coffee table. Is that too much
to ask?

Thanks in advance for any replies, Jay