Jerry Decker and all :First Contact

MARC OLHOEFT ( seapower@Alaska.NET )
Thu, 05 Feb 1998 15:49:29 -0900

Hello this is my first active participation in this discussion and heve
found just lurking not completly satisfying, so here goes :
I m researching electrolysis of water for hydrogen and have been
exposed to "Browns Gas"(yes Iknow that this is not the politicaly
correct verson) I have just recently run across a patent by Archie Blue
USPTO# 4-124-463 Involving electrolyzing water vapor in air using 12vdc
has anyone heard of this before? there is a breif description of his and
others similar work at
I am also expermenting with phosporescent pigments as in the keelynet
solar panel experiment using radium recovered from watch dials and have
found a company in the US that sells a particulary strong and longer
luminescent pigment , United Mineral and Chemical Co.(the product is
I do have a contact in Japan for those who wish to follow up on the
use of Radium or Tritium it is expensive but not near 30k/gram as I have
heard here and small quantitys do not require special licencing to my
knowledge. However special Handling is the course of the day.I prefer to
stay away from radioactive sources.
I am also Interested in Townsend Browns Experiments with petrovoltic
rocks if anyone has any detailed info on these subjects I would be very
interested in hearing from YOU.