Re: Jerry Decker and all :First Contact

Bob Aldrich ( )
Tue, 08 Jan 1980 22:58:16 -0800

File Not Found

The requested URL /Hassleberger/tecno_3.htm was not found on this

That's what I get when I click on that address. Sometimes I wonder just
how far the oil companies are reaching! Or is it just an error in the

Bob Aldrich
Los Angeles

Two Rules for Happy E-Mailing:

1) Don't offend anyone.
2) Don't be offended, no matter what.


John Berry wrote:
> He was a Kiwi, uhh New Zealander who made a car that ran on water but when
> harassed by oil companies he sold his technology to them for a large sum.
> John Berry
> > I have just recently run across a patent by Archie Blue
> > USPTO# 4-124-463 Involving electrolyzing water vapor in air using 12vdc
> > has anyone heard of this before? there is a breif description of his and
> > others similar work at