Re: Radium Chloride Wanted.

Bill McMurtry ( )
Wed, 04 Feb 1998 12:23:08 +1000

At 18:08 3/02/98 -0700, you wrote:
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Dave <>
>To: <>
>Date: Tuesday, February 03, 1998 5:52 PM
>Subject: Radium Chloride Wanted.
>>Where can Radium Chloride be purchased from?
>It requires a license. Depending upon where you live, the license is either
>issued by the State Health Department or the NRC (National Regulatory
>Commission). The rules have changed in this country greatly since the 1930's
>when radium chloride was used in luminous paints as well as medicinal uses.
>Today, it is highly controlled and very hard to get ahold of. One of the
>conditions of the license is that you provide financial assurance or a bond
>for the disposal costs involved relative to your possession of the material.

>Paul Brown
Hi Paul and all,

Radium certainly is scary stuff. What is the active constituent in the glow
in the dark paint you buy from novelty shops - you know, hold it up to the
light, glows in the dark? You can buy this as a powder also.

While we're on the subject of chemistry, does anybody know what the clear
part of a Lava Lamp consists of ?(not the old patent brew of propylene
glycol). I assume its around 70% water but the remaining 30% is a mystery.
