Re: Rife tests

Don Straatman ( )
Wed, 04 Feb 1998 12:58:20 +1100

G'Day Bob
Hop on the rife list at
they should be able to tell you.

Bob Haining wrote:

> In message <01bd309a$abb4eda0$LocalHost@wizzard>, Kenneth Carrigan
> <> writes
> >Jer et all,
> >So I rigged up a MOSFET to a DDS unit with power supply and halogen
> >bulb. I put this under the microscope and started the scanning. Did y
> >
> Hi Kenneth,
> What's a DDS unit? I've been trying to kill protozoa with a Bare/Rife
> machine, no success so far, but people report good effects from exposure
> to the beam.
> --
> Bob Haining