Re: serious question

Marcelo Puhl ( (no email) )
Wed, 4 Feb 1998 00:27:49 -3

William wrote :
> If one were to take some sort of electrostatic generator such as the
> Wimshurst and take the output of it, charge a sort of big quick charge
> capacitor (leyden jar), when the charge gets big enough to jump across a
> spark gap, the resulting power could be dumped through a step up
> transformer, filtered, rectified and turned into DC, then charged into
> another capacitor (leyden again), and the resulting big charge could be
> used to power an electrostatic motor. The turning of this motor could be
> coupled by a mechanical shaft, to the Electrostatic generator, to turn
> it. Would this work as a sort of nonstop (i.e. perpet motion)?

I was thinking on a rotary variable capacitor instead of leyden jars.

When the variable capacitor is totally open, charge it with a spark from the
Wimshurst generator. When the capacitor closes, connect it to a load.

This way, the high voltage - low current charging the open capacitor will be
transformed into a low voltage - high current when the capacitor is closed.
As the capacitor is rotating, the cycle is repeated at a given frequency.

Questions :

1. What would be the voltage ratio between the open/closed capacitor ?
2. What would be the speed of rotation ?
3. Are there any chances of OU with such a device ?

Your comments, please.
