How I came up with the frequencies

Matthew Redmond ( (no email) )
Wed, 4 Feb 1998 12:54:34 +1300

Mathias P. Wrote:

> I was wandering how you came up with this window of frequencies? I
> dowsed it and, as good as my dowsing may be, this is what I call a Life
> frequency. Or one in tune with the underlying movements that Nature
> uses to build Life (as opposed to anthropic movements).

If that is true it makes me rather happy. Most of my research has been
building on a lot of assumptions.

I came up with the frequencies using Bruce Cathie's harmonic values. Those
in question are the harmonics:

69488325 - Inverse Grid Electromagnetic
69511586 - Inverse Grid Speed of Light in Air
69545205 - Harmonic related to Gravity
69444444 - Inverse of the Maximum Grid Speed of Light

(I think that's right)

I will give one example of how I came up with one frequency. I must warn
you that it is rather unconventional. Again it started from an assumption.

Using Gravity Harmonic 69545205

(g" = grid inches)
(st" = standard inches)

sqr root 69545.205 = 263.7142488 g"
263.7142488 g" = 267.0546292 st"
267.0546292 st" = 6.783187583 meters

(NOTE: Can someone give me an accurate inches or feet to meters conversion
figure...I have way too many to choose from)

299.729 - Speed of light in Air (Cathie)
----------- = 44.18704279 MHz

299.7925 - Speed of light in Vacuum (Cathie)
------------- = 44.19640417 MHz

I told you it was an unconventional calculation.