First time on - hopefully not the last!

Matthew Redmond ( (no email) )
Wed, 4 Feb 1998 10:35:55 +1300


This is my first submission and no doubt there are some things that I am
about to say that have been repeated before...

First to Kenneth Carrigan about Overunity. When it comes to Moray using a
cold cathode device, I believe this is true. As far as I know Moray made a
solid state device using germanium that behaved like a transistor. He sent
this off to the US Patent Office in 1927 (around the same year you
mentioned), but was rejected because they said it would not work without a
heated cathode.

Also dealing with the mile long wire experiment posted at KeelyNet not so
long ago, I have had some thoughts on this for a while now. I must add I
have not done any experimentation, mainly because I don't actually own any
equipment! I do plan to rectify this.

Tesla and Moray both had long wires in devices they built, most
considerably under 1 mile in length (Moray - 15 meters. One of Tesla's was
@5.9 feet). This suggests that there could be other frequencies other than
500KHz to collect the "atmospheric energy". I have come up with my own
frequency range to try...

44.18704279 MHz - 44.22845598 MHz

...If any one has seen a range like this before I would love to know.



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