Re: Test: Is ...

Paul Brown ( (no email) )
Tue, 3 Feb 1998 13:18:17 -0700

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry W. Decker <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, February 03, 1998 3:14 AM
Subject: Re: Test: Is the list working? or is everyone just very quiet

>Hi Paul!
>Good to see you online and 'pseudo-public'....the guy with the gigawatt
>claims is Don Smith down in Houston....I've met Don several times and he
>is a really nice guy...he just can't seem to stop with the ever more
>grandiose claims...guess I should post quotes from his latest
> would serve no useful purpose except to show how far
>afield we can be driven (or drive ourselves) from reality...
> Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-8741
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

I find that I am becoming a bit of a net-head myself. Participating is much
better than lurking. Just not sure I have anything to contribute at this
stage. The lists are always posting interesting views and comments. I check
in every hour or so while at work (not a good work practice, so I must be
getting addicted).

I have never heard of Don Smith. Is he getting press in Texas? What does he
claim to be doing? I mean, it is pretty hard to miss Gigawatts of power. Or
is it all theoretical at this stage? You know, give me giga-bucks so that I
can make giga watts.

Take Care,