Re: Rife tests/Hulda Clarke

Kenneth Carrigan ( (no email) )
Tue, 3 Feb 1998 09:05:01 -0500

>Hello Ken,
>you sound like you have a pretty good technical understanding of this

Enough that I can give opinions...(-:

>I'me sure you have heard of Hulda Clarke and her "parasites and toxins"
>approach to desease treatment. She uses a "zapper", which I have played
>around with (cheap, quick, easy), and states that a positively biased
>applied voltage pulse is the key to effective treatment. Clarke places no
>real importance on particular frequencies, although early work centred on a
>resonant destruction of micro-organisms at specific frequencies. Clarke
>even suggests that a "poor man's zapper" can be made by holding the
>terminal of a 9 volt transistor battery with one hand and tapping, as
>rapidly as possible, the other terminal with the other hand. This sounds
>laughable. Not that I'm laughing - it may work and I have great respect for
>Hulda Clarke and her research/case studies.
>Any input on this device and/or Clarke?

I've read, as you or others should, Dr. Robert O. Becker, "The Body
and one other that came out later. In this book Dr Becker had done tests
of + and - potential to tissues. With cancer, he also noted a negative
but when he applied a positive potential, the area where the probe was
the tumor regressed but in other areas of the tumor, it grew 3 times as
So generally Dr Becker states that any positive or negative potential is Bad
for tumors and will accelerate them. He did note that Silver electrodes, or
colliodal silver?, was a key to tumor reduction but that colliodal silver
been used very early in medical centers as a broad antibiotic.

What was really an eye catcher is that he was involved in magnetic
that used pulsed energy - to accelerate bone healing (that was his field as
a Dr). Dr Becker had also experimented with this in tumor regression,
that he could form a force a blastema and dedifferentiate it into normal
Well, he found that it accelerated tumors growth and did not regress them.
When TENS units started to be produced, he petitioned the AMA to mandate
testing of these units against tumors and their growth. He found out that
manufactors tests revealed that tumor growth was accelerated, but that the
TENS units would be shipped anyhow - since it's use was for pain reduction
and not associated with tumors.... Yep, a coverup again! But it's it all
the place?

What I do believe in is evanescent resonate modes of cellular structures and
frequency therapy - for energy balancing. The later takes into account for
color therapy, and people who can heal by touch. Healers who can heal by
touch have been explored by measurements (which I highly regard as a
research tool) and there are detailed reports of spectrum plots of persons
before and after healers touch them. But this maybe off subject - like way
off... from overunity.

As I told James Bare and the list, the pulse shape plays a very important
part of therapy, in that the shape produces a frequency spectrum of
harmonics and intermodulation products. The sharper the pulse, the higher
the frequency multiples, and when we approach a Dirac Pulse, we have
an infinite number of spectral components. This is what the PAPIM device
uses, as it also produces a hudge H-Field for a very very short duration
pulse. It is thought that the abnormal tissue will be shocked into
and forced to resonate at it's proper evanescent resonate frequency.

v/r Ken Carrigan