Re: Rife tests/Hulda Clarke

Bill McMurtry ( )
Tue, 03 Feb 1998 22:37:11 +1000

At 06:55 3/02/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Jer et all,
>I have built two units and tested the Rife machine for over 2 years,
>this because of my interests and also mother-in-law having cancer
>stage IV. I also took DC potential measurements (potential on skin)
>as cancer seems to be extremely negative. It turned out that it was
>extremely negative (75mV as I recall) and I had a 'clark' type machine
>to output cancer frequencies in a biphasic state - slightly positive.
>After 20 minutes of this I rechecked her again and the potential was
>normal, +10mV DC.


>So I rigged up a MOSFET to a DDS unit with power supply and halogen
>bulb. I put this under the microscope and started the scanning. Did you
>know that I eviscerated the protozia in less than 2 seconds at a key
>kHz frequency? The Blepharisma excellerated in speed, balled up and
>eviscerated in less than 5 seconds. Now this was without the Plasma


>v/r Ken Carrigan

Hello Ken,

you sound like you have a pretty good technical understanding of this subject.

I'me sure you have heard of Hulda Clarke and her "parasites and toxins"
approach to desease treatment. She uses a "zapper", which I have played
around with (cheap, quick, easy), and states that a positively biased
applied voltage pulse is the key to effective treatment. Clarke places no
real importance on particular frequencies, although early work centred on a
resonant destruction of micro-organisms at specific frequencies. Clarke
even suggests that a "poor man's zapper" can be made by holding the
terminal of a 9 volt transistor battery with one hand and tapping, as
rapidly as possible, the other terminal with the other hand. This sounds
laughable. Not that I'm laughing - it may work and I have great respect for
Hulda Clarke and her research/case studies.

Any input on this device and/or Clarke?
