Re: NAB? Telsa Purple Plates???

Bill McMurtry ( )
Sat, 31 Jan 1998 11:35:31 +1000


>>I not sure aabout the purple Healing plates but tesla I think had some
>time with making Health projects ,Take for example his aim to
>mix water with ozone and a earlier form of an ozone air cleaner
>Geoff Egel

Hi Geoff, Tesla sure was into health in a big way. From the info I've read
on the man, he would connect himself daily to the output of a specially
made small high frequency, high voltage oscillator claiming it had positive
health benefits. Also he mentions that in the days of experimenting with
X-rays he would sit reading, or whatever, with one of his X-ray tubes aimed
at his head for considerable lenghts of time. Once again he claimed
beneficial, energetic health effects. It should be remembered that the
X-ray spectrum that Tesla was producing then was "soft" and "broad"
compared with the convention of today.
I do find it interseting that through the mountains of literature on health
there appears a correlation between applied high (or low) frequency
voltages to the body and health benefits, including: cancer remission, AIDS
treatments, etc, etc. Hulda Clarke has explored this avenue extensively and
has provided startling evidence in some excellent books. Lakovsky
(spelling?), with his Multiple Wave Oscillator, claimed similar successes.
The concepts of Homeopathy are based on an energitic field interaction, the
resonant manipulation of which can lead a patient towards better or poorer
health. Kirlian photography claims to be capable of capturing
representations of the dynamic electromagnetic/organic field emanating from
living organisms. Colour therapy. The list goes on and on. All this
research overlaps on one major point - electromagnetic energies interact
with living organisms. Applied in one way, they can heal. Applied in
onother they can harm. Fascinating!
