Re: NPAP1 comments

Kenneth Carrigan ( (no email) )
Fri, 30 Jan 1998 11:58:17 -0500


Read the NPAP1 paper but found it a bit disappointing in
that how could someone build or even think that they could
levitate a car? Interesting with the monks though, and Keely!

On spinning centrifuges, look at what happens when you place
a spinning prop in the water and rotate at high speed -
Cavitation - which creates sonoluminous! Something's
happening here with eather flow and energy levels. Now
that would be a good science fair type experiment! There
are too many variables to keep track of in gravity wave
measuring. When a capacitor is shielded in a faraday cage,
there is still magnetic fields that penetrate 'without' attenuation!
Power line current can generate magnetic fields that can
screw with measurements, temperature variances, stray fields
and external measuring equipment leakages into sensor -
are just a few. The only saving measurement is in the analysis
of gravity change events like moon, stars, sun, etc...

I think the key to all this stuff is resonance(s), and amplitude.
Keely had stated it as tripple cords? Three simultaneous
resonate frequencies of sufficient amplitude. Now this is
what I'd like to try! The only problem I have is to find a
transducer capable of 40kHz at 200W. I was thinking
about using a tweeter speaker rated at 100W? I think
they are reasonable and also you have a little more
bandwidth to play with. How would you couple a tweeter
to a vile of water?

v/r Ken Carrigan