Re: Inertial Drives

Kenneth Carrigan ( (no email) )
Fri, 30 Jan 1998 09:04:10 -0500

>I am perturbed that anyone would think the book was any kind of scam or
>that I or KeelyNet would knowingly promote or otherwise support anything
>like it. The quote was;
>> Can we try an experiment at home before we buy this book - and get
>> scammed again?

I wrote this? I'm so sorry... the wrong word must have been left. When I
this message I write and delete all the time, and must have left this in by
I do not think that Dan is a scammer, and I'm really sorry for
leaving/writing this.

>I am all for posting at least a small experiment that anyone can do, and
>Dan DID that in the NPAP1.HTM document. He has had only two responses in
>over two years now, and they still haven't done the experiment (or at
>least reported back). So few won't do the experiment (include me on that
>and I kick myself FOR it) is very simple, especially the new
>centrifuge with the sawtooth blade type wheel. The circuit for Dan's
>gravity wave detector is also included in the book, so not only can
>people build the device and trigger the bubble, they can also detect the
>thing, though the simplest method is a gram scale...all in the book.

I printed out the NPAP1 page and is it ever long. I think I read it at one
time cause it seems familiar, but will do again. Hey, maybe I'll let my
younger son do an experiment for a science far at school. Pyramidal
weight reduction should be an eye catcher - and he'll list Dan as one
of his references.

v/r Ken Carrigan

PS How much for the book? and page count?