Re: Inertial Drives

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 30 Jan 1998 00:45:36 -0800

Hi Bill!

You quoted the Einstein gedanken of the windowless elevator followed by;
> The EFFECTS of acceleration are the same as the EFFECTS of gravity,
> on a given mass. Often when force is spoken about in aeronautical
> disciplines it is expressed in how many G's were "pulled" on this
> turn or that. Spooky eh?

How intriguing...the earth is moving around the sun, the solar system is
moving within a moving galaxy, which is in turn within a moving nebula,
so there are numerous such acceleraton forces being thrust upon the earth
(and all bodies) that could be a cause of or adding to 'gravity'.

Just like the windowless elevator. The idea of the rotating space
station to produce an 'artifical gravity' using centrifugal forces has
always puzzled me. It ties in with the Bessler/Orffyreus wheel because
of the gradient that is experienced the closer you move FROM the outside
rim, TO the axle.

I know this sounds like so much verbiage, but I think it might help in
understanding some odd effects noticed in rotating masses. Searl
indicates electrons are centrifugally thrown towards the outside rim of
the mass to build up a charge that eventually produces lift. Otis Carr
said that if you caused the outside rim of a mass to rotate faster than a
fixed point on the earths equator, that the mass would become
disconnected from the gravity flows holding it to the earth...spin and

Condition : In space - no gravity - a person free floating in air...
...if you are inside a spinning hollow wheel, floating midway between the
rim and the axle, are you NECESSARILY PUSHED to the outside rim by an
'artificial gravity'..I think not, though I wonder if it has been tested?

If NOT, then gravity and inertia (angular 'radial' momentum) are not the
same. If SO, then we have a major clue here.

--                Jerry W. Decker   /    /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741    /   FAX :  (214) 324-8741   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187