Re: A different Approach

Bill McMurtry ( )
Fri, 30 Jan 1998 14:13:51 +1000

At 02:05 30/01/98 +0100, you wrote:
> First of all, I want to thank Jerry for creating this mailing list.
>This step or a similar one was something neccessary so that some
>discussion is done about matters appearing on Keelynet. Anyway, let's
>stick to the point. Before you continue with this message, I have to
>warn you that this is only a product of my imagination and is pure
>theoretical, and all I am looking for is a propagation ( sp? ) method
>other than the usual ones ( projection of matter, propeller, etc.. ). In
>another words, have a propagation method which is _purely_ mechanical in
>nature and does not interact with anything non-local ( e.g. propeller
>used both in boats and airplanes is a system which interacts with air,
>so is rockets, cause their thrust method is by projecting matter (
>(ab)using Newton's 3rd law ) which is _left_ outside of the system. What
>I am wondering is wether a complete closed system, no input nor output,
>is possible. ) Here it goes :>

Hi Vano, check out the "Gyroscopic Inertial Thruster", or "GIT" for short,
Website link on the KeelyNet energy topics page (hey Jerry, why the energy
page and not the gravity page?). Researchers have been attempting, and
apparently successfully doing, these form of propulsion experiments for
years. There are quite a few patents granted by the US patents office on
such devices also. Obviously there is a problem somewhere with these
devices (inefficient, don't work, suppression, etc) as we not only don't
see use of the concept, but the mainstream scientific community don't
believe they are real (problems generating a theoretical framework of
explanation?). Fascinating possibilities abound for a successful, efficient
device breakthrough though!
