A different Approach

Vano ( vano@mx3.redestb.es )
Fri, 30 Jan 1998 02:05:59 +0100

First of all, I want to thank Jerry for creating this mailing list.
This step or a similar one was something neccessary so that some
discussion is done about matters appearing on Keelynet. Anyway, let's
stick to the point. Before you continue with this message, I have to
warn you that this is only a product of my imagination and is pure
theoretical, and all I am looking for is a propagation ( sp? ) method
other than the usual ones ( projection of matter, propeller, etc.. ). In

another words, have a propagation method which is _purely_ mechanical in

nature and does not interact with anything non-local ( e.g. propeller
used both in boats and airplanes is a system which interacts with air,
so is rockets, cause their thrust method is by projecting matter (
(ab)using Newton's 3rd law ) which is _left_ outside of the system. What

I am wondering is wether a complete closed system, no input nor output,
is possible. ) Here it goes :

<assume the horizontal of the screen to be x-axis, the vertical of the
screen to be y-axis and the depth ( into the screen ) to be the z-axis>

Imagine 2 masses A and B, rotating through a common center ( x ),
and for the sake of realism let's assume they are attatched by a rod:


Now, let's assume, by the "art of magic" we can change the mass of A

and B as we wish. So when they are written in small letters (a, b) they
have a specific small mass and when they are written in capital letters
(A, B) they have a specific large mass.

The system rotates thru the Z-axis ( into the screen ) clockwise
(center marked by x). Each mass when it reaches the EAST side of the
system ( looking -> way ) is going to have a large mass and as it
gradually turns towards the WEST side ( <- ) it will have a small mass.
So as the system rotates, we make sure that all the time the mass
looking towards EAST will have the larger mass, like this >>>

( 0 deg angle c/w turn ):


( 90 deg angle c/w turn ):


( 180 deg angle c/w turn ):


( 270 deg angle c/w turn ):


When the system is faced north-south, both masses will be equal and
will be half way between small mass and large mass. I believe the mass
variant function should be a sine curve.

Question : Would the whole system MOVE towards EAST ?

I think it would. Since we constantly _move_ the center of gravity
towards east. I haven't done the calculations yet, but I am sure that we

would always experiment a stronger centripetal force towards EAST than
towards WEST, hence there would be a net resultant force towards EAST.

Before I continue, I want to hear some thoughts about this... since
I know there have to be some flaws in this idea to make this system move

in space ( no contact with any other body ), although I believe it
should move if it is in contact with another object ( say the system is
connected thru it's "non-moving parts" to some wheels which are in
contact with the ground ).

I have some idea's in making this practical, but after I hear some
