Re: Extracting energy from eather

Kenneth Carrigan ( (no email) )
Wed, 28 Jan 1998 09:10:48 -0500

Jerry wrote:
>Just received a most fascinating paper claiming to be a document that won
>the $1000 CosRay prize offered by the sons of Henry Moray. I will post
>it when I get it typed and converted...a page of formulas will be
>included. The paper indicates that a 'tuned lattice structure' can be
>made to pump the ambient thermal energy (Debye constant) to produce
>energy and that explains why some f/e and gravity reduction units report
>that the area gets the heat is extracted....remember the Kowsky
>Frost experiment, Keely reported cooling, Tesla sphere claimed one half
>was cold, the other half hot, etc...

Hey, on the Bismuth front - You know those thermal electric cooler
that NASA researched and is used to cool some CPU's, thermal cooler, etc....
well it uses Bismuth Telluride as the semicondutor. It can produce power
thermal differences or produce thermal differences from power applied.
Maybe somehow a 'tuned lattice structure'? Hey - UFO Bismuth?

v/r Ken Carrigan