Re: Weight Loss

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 28 Jan 1998 01:00:29 -0800

Hi Bill!

You wrote;
> Where did the weight of the spinning mass go as it was lifted with
> ease?

It is puzzling. I think it has something to do with gyroscopic
precession...there are claims as with the Dean Drive that indicate a
spinning weight can be redirected in a given direction to cause the mass
to push away.

Dr. Harold Aspden did an experiment which indicates that aether actually
couples to mass, like velcro hooks that seep into and hold static
masses...(my interpretation)....when the mass spins, these velcro hooks
are partially broken to allow the mass to accelerate to speed....that is
the resistance/inertia that must be overcome to get the mass spun up TO
that speed.

I won't quote the experiment just yet because I have it in the old VSRT
Plenum newsletters that I am planning to put online. Essentially, he
measured how much energy it took to get a mass rotating to a certain
speed....then he would bring this to a stop....he did this over and over,
to make sure the electrical energy requirement was very nearly the same
in each test.

Then he brought the heavy rotating mass to a 'near stop', then
accelerated it again...when accelerated in this fashion, it only took
about 30% of the energy necessary to go from a FULL STOP to full
velocity, than it had before....he repeated this several times and it
always came out the ties in very well with Puthoffs paper on
'ZPE as the Cause of Inertia'.

IMHO, there is something going on with gravity deflection, perhaps
chopping the 'field lines' of gravity as it flows into the earth. Kind of
like an umbrella. Of course the mass has gravity flowing into it, but
that justs hold it together, it is the flow of gravity into the earth
that gives it what we erroneously call 'weight'. That's why the Aspden
comment about being measured on a scale while lifting this gyroscope
showed a decrease in overall weight....see, we have all kinds of clues,
just need to get off our butts and figure out how to scale this effect

--                Jerry W. Decker   /    /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741    /   FAX :  (214) 324-8741   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187