RE: Weight Loss

Bill McMurtry ( )
Wed, 28 Jan 1998 18:56:17 +1000

In regards to the riddle of the vanishing weight of the lifted gyroscope
(spinning mass on the end of a shaft) it should be noted that by twisting
the spinning mass one way a weight loss is experienced. Twisting the other
way effects an apparent increase in weight. On a set of scales the weight
of the spinning mass system can be made to reduce OR increase. It would
appear that the downward force applied to the mass, through interaction
with the gravitational field, is capable of being counteracted by applying,
or maintaining, a twisting motion within the spinning mass system.
Likewise, torque within the spinning mass system can be translated into
increased apparent weight potential of the system as a whole. Question: How
much energy is consumed, in this type of system, to reduce the apparent
weight of a spinning mass to zero? (say zero frictional losses in bearings
and windage)
