Re: Where's the Beef?

Dan A. Davidson ( (no email) )
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 09:34:16 -0700

>From what I have gleaned, there has never been a sustained "cold fusion"
Dan A. Davidson

At 08:57 AM 1/25/98 PST, you wrote:
>Hi All!
>>Chris wrote;
>>> There is more than enough info out there to build all types
>>> of free-energy devices.
>>Jerry wrote:
>>I would like to believe this, but the reality does not support it, else
>>we would be able to buy a working device.
>>If I missed the release of this working device and the resulting
>>frenzy' of the world news on this amazing discovery, please point me to
>>where I can buy one. I'm not being facetious here, just that its still
>>all claims until we each can buy one to USE.
>Ok I should have said there is enougn info out there for us to piece
>together to build a free-energy device. The Patterson Fuel cell patents
>I believe are online. If not to build a cold fusion generator take some
>sodium chloride in a supersolution of water put in to pre-65 nickels
>hooked up to 30volts DC. Your basic cold fusion device. But let's say
>we take the Patterson one. We use the heat to boil water to make steam
>to power a Tesla Bladeless Turbine. Now we have our own energy and we
>just need water. Yes there is alot of development needed, but the info
>is out there we just have to fill in the gaps. THAT I KNOW ALL OF US
>>Chris also wrote;
>>> Bruce provides a device that anyone can build and anyone who signs
>>> his form has access to build.
>>Ok, so does build = works when built?
>That's why I am going to build it. If not we know another device not to
>>My concern is buying into claims, a disease we all tend to suffer from
>>aperiodically, I try to not adopt a doubting Thomas role, but damn, how
>>many of these claims must we continue to read and even allow ourselves
>>get sucked into.
>>The bottomline WAS, IS and forever will be; Does it work? Followed by,
>>where can I buy one. All else is just smoke and mirrors.
>>That bottomline is the reality check that will force proof to be given,
>>otherwise clearly state this is my theory, my concept, my idea, my
>>hypothesis, etc....but NEVER my CLAIM that it WORKS unless the device
>>be bought for use.
>I agree 100%. And I plan to keep building these "dubious" devices until
>I get one of them or one of my own to work. Hell my wheel is now
>throwing out 6 ft sparks (which do hurt like hell). We are now shooting
>for 4000-5000rpms to see if we get a corona. Shades of Searl. Yes I
>know it may not work. But I am going to continue to try.
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