Re: Earth Energy Taps

Kenneth Carrigan ( (no email) )
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 11:18:26 -0500

Seems weard that I'm comment on myself but I'm forwarding this from
Bruce, as long as it contains no obligatory comments.

Kenneth Carrigan wrote:
> >I knew that statement would hit a nerve, that's why I wrote it.
> >Energy=Mass, visa-versa... Energy can be created if mass is altered and
> >transformed in one way or another. I hope this makes my above statement
> >more clear.
> Well, this calls for some quantum theory. In our world charged particles
> such as electrons influence each other by exchanging photons, the
> fundamental unit of all forms of electromagnetism called light. Any
> object then is surrounded by a swarm of photons. Photons have energy,
> and as you state - E= mc^2. On occasion (subject to Heisenbergs
> uncertanty principle) photons temporarily transform themselves into
> matched pairs of what is called 'virtual' particles. On half of each pair
> is made up of matter, the other antimatter. The anti particle is
> negatively charged where the other is positively charged and called
> a positron. These particles pop in and out of existance in a millionth
> of a billionth of a second or faster. The photon can borrow energy
> from the vacuum as long as it returns it almost instantly. The net
> electrical charge is zero, so nothing is added. What overunity people
> try to do, is to use quadrature phase conjugation (Bearden) to
> suck off the positrons. The vacuum will supply the necessary energy
> to replentish the source. In order to suck this off, I would think a
> very high spike or a Dirac pulse would be necesary to implement this
> process. High voltage but no current!
> Wire, for instance, has motional electrons in it. What we need to do is
> to spike the wire with a Dirac pulse and collect the electrons at the
> other end. Bearden describes how to achieve this - but I don't think
> anyone practically has to date.
Perreault writes:
The problem with this "ZPE" is that the sucked in particles not kinetic
enough to produce any power. Radiant matter supplies the kinetic energy
required to produce real power.
To all,
If you look at the Stubblefield coils you will see that they
are indeed electrolytic cells. The CLAIM that they will last
forever is totally false...

Hey, same with the Cold Fusion stuff, it wears out so not
really overunity stuff.

v/r Ken Carrigan