Re: Earth Energy Taps

Kenneth Carrigan ( (no email) )
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 09:37:18 -0500


I was thinking, for some reason, 5 -60W bulbs. Hey, maybe
the guy that wrote this up also screwed up and made it 50?

Well, anyway, I'm trying to save you a little $ in the 1/2 to 1 mile
of copper wire. Not to mention the 500W 100,000 volt source.

Here's some more physics and engineering to assess your
design/theory before you experiment. A wire 1/2 mile long
at 500kHz is concidered a 'long wire antenna'. The Army used
this design easy in the 1900's, not sure they do today. The
design you mention places the input impedance at 20 meg ohms.
The long wire antenna varies but lets say 400ohms worst case.
That would mean at 500W input to this antenna, the voltage
would not be greater than 450 at 500kHz.

I'd investigate this a little more, by picking up a HAM book on
some antenna theory and checking it out. Hey, maybe we
can talk to each other around the world on 500kHz?

This design just does not make sense - based on known designs
that exist using the same principles and materials.

v/r Ken Carrigan