Re: Prototype questions

Bruce A. Perreault ( (no email) )
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 09:32:59 -0500

Alan Schneider wrote:

> In that same post you say:
> _>* For someone that has the basics it should cost under $200.00 to build
> _>a basic proof of concept beta-version. For a person who is starting from
> _>bare-bones it should cost under $500.00
> I presume this represents cost of components for surrounding circuitry
> we would be required to build. Do you provide known working designs for
> this or do you give a list of specifications for us to design our own
> circuitry to meet?

Perreault writes:

Yes, I include an easily referenced parts list.
Nothing is exotic except for the valve, this I
will provide at no cost to a program member.

> If the former, do you have lists of equivalents for
> components that may not be locally available in other countries, or at
> least descriptions of critical parameters needing to be met by
> substitute components?

Perreault writes:

The components that are hard to find are the high-voltage diodes
and capacitor. I provide where these can be obtained.

> _>To build a prototype that puts out say, 5Kw, would cost about $5.000.00
> Are the "valves" supplied capable of this level of power given suitable
> supporting circuitry?

Perreault writes:

No, the prototype is a beta-version. It is low-power to get to know the
concept of power generation. Going head first into a high power
would be a deadly mistake.

> Bruce, I'm not having a go at you or trying to give you a hard time
> but I *DO* want to get a clearer idea of what I'll be letting myself
> in for if I do subscribe to (and you accept me for) your validation
> program. I'm sure there are other list members who feel similarly.

Perreault writes:

You are welcome to join the program. The manual that I will be supplying
is detailed and clear. If you decide after you read it that it is not
you then you do not have to continue with the program. All I ask is that
you do not flame the program.