Re: Please stick with Technology

Alan Schneider ( )
Sun, 25 Jan 1998 21:29:20 GMT

On Mon, 26 Jan 1998 04:51:14 -0800, "Jerry W. Decker" <>

_>Hi Alan!

_>I personally wouldn't KNOWLINGLY touch or USE anything that had to rely
_>on radioactive material to generate heat or power. BTW, you posted some
_>excellent questions to Bruce about nu-energy.
Unfortunately I seem to have badly upset him in the process. This was
certainly not my intention.

_>If it is not over-unity, then why would we ever consider it or even talk
_>of it here?

Frames of reference, Jerry. If one fails to take into account surrounding
systems (like the weather! <grin>) even a dam appears to be "over-unity".
Let's assume that Bruce has developed a means of safely extracting and
using intra-atomic binding energy. I suspect such a system would satisfy
your definition of over-unity fully. But if you enlarge the "box"
sufficiently you would probably see that you are only changing in form
energy that is already present to bountiful degree, thus not strictly
"over-unity" but certainly, if not free then very low cost energy.

Likewise any system which taps into the ZPE and manages to rectify
some part of the virtual flux. Once you enlarge your perceptual box
to include the "ether" (or whatever you want to call it <grin>) the
system can no longer really be called "over-unity" but it still
qualifies as "free energy".

It is usually not possible to accurately view any system in isolation
because it invariably interlocks with its surroundings to form some
kind of super-system, often very non-obviously.

But, this is basically picking nits. I think we all know *WHAT* you
mean so let's leave off arguing semantics for the nonce; this is just
reducing the signal-noise ratio...

_>Thus the creation of this list, without the arguments, the infinite
_>crossposting from people who are not even on the list, the niggling about
_>micro electrochemical effects, ad nauseum.
definitions, semantics etc <grin>

_>Alan also wrote;
_>> BTW, are you keeping list archives somewhere?
_>I sure hope so...<g>...Ron at Starfire says he is working on it. I
_>erased some files that included some of the early posts when there were
_>just a handful of folks here...but I have them all saved in another
_>folder and will zip them up by month and post to the website if people
_>want to read them.

Let us know when he gets them up.
