validation of a "free energy" device...

Bruce A. Perreault ( (no email) )
Fri, 23 Jan 1998 10:37:17 -0500

> On your testing of your unit... could you tell me what I would be testing
> for? In other words, radioactivity, helium, luminescence, etc... I do not
> have abilties to test for such things, but do have oscopes, spectrum
> analyzers, field intesity meters, RF current probes... stuff for testing
> RF Electromagnetic fields from DC to 40HGz.

* There is no radiation in the beta-version that the group will be
validating. The key to power generation is a special tube that uses
a star type spark-gap that acts as a regulator and ionic pump. Ions
are fed to the tube from a high-voltage, high-frequency, low-current
inverter circuit. Energy is added to the ions by the tube through
catalytic reaction. The ions act as a vehicle to transfer energy from
the tube to a tank circuit. Electrical current is available through a
bell type step-down transformer.

* My main objective for creating this program is to validate this
technology. It is not my intention to validate output levels.
The validation of this technology will clearly establish that the
device can generate electrical power. It will be shown that this
device can be up-sized and a high-wattage device is well within reach.

* It will be clearly shown what has to be done to build a high-wattage
unit to power, say, a home with power generating principles involved.
For obvious reasons radioactive material will not be used in this beta

* If all goes well, and I am confident that it will, then successful
players will become distributers products slated for 1998. They will
hands on experience that is a required asset for anyone who is to
a technology that has been little understood.

> Also, what would I need to buy, or how much $$ would it cost me...
> These are my main questions and I'm sure most other peoples before
> we would sign up...

* For someone that has the basics it should cost under $200.00 to build
a basic proof of concept beta-version. For a person who is starting from
bare-bones it should cost under $500.00 To build a prototype that puts
out say, 5Kw, would cost about $5.000.00