Re: Nazi Flying Saucers

Geoff Egel ( )
Sat, 24 Jan 1998 01:20:17 +1100

At 02:23 PM 1/22/98 GMT, you wrote:
>Hi All,
In your researches you might like to check out work Of Viktor Schauberger
I believe the Nazi had him interned in a concentration camp somewhere in Poland
(maybe ) and forced him to work on Flying disks

you can get more info at my website

look under main index and references to Viktor Schauberger

hope this helps in your research


>One of my background, yet on going areas of research is the development on
>non-traditional flying craft by the Nazi's during WWII. Is anyone doing
>similar research?
>My website is in Prague so I get over periodically and I'm chasing leads
>there. The factory that was making the engines was outside Prague and they
>were being built and tested in the southern part of the country.
>Here's a bibliographical URL:
>The guy who is compiling the info is going to be setting up an E-mail list
>for those interested in the subject so we can pool our findings. I'll post
>detials on this list when I have them.
>My url is:
> Black Ice Digital Issue #1 and New Issue #2 at: