Re: Medical article (multi topic)

Edward Courtney ( )
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 22:35:02 -0500

Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> The article mentions several topics, including "Robert Becker" (Robert
> Beck? might be a typo.. it sounds like his work)
> Anyway, in case you wanted to read the article, it's at

Interesting article Jerry. One would have to be a sub-genius to understand
the ramifications<g>
BTW Robert Becker is not a typo.

Dr. Robert O. Becker authored "The Body Electric." I only read parts
of this book and it is interesting. Becker claims that most living creatures
are electrical by nature and most of the book focuses on the ability of some
species to regrow severed limbs.

Becker also mentions how unfortunate it is that the medical community is
mislead by the idea that pharmacology is the way to deal with the human
anatomy... It's his belief that a lot more could be accomplished with the
use of electrical stimuli.

Dr. Robert C. Beck, aka Bob Beck is the inventor of the BT 5 & BT 6
Brain-tuner cranial electric stimulators and miscellaneous zapper and pulse
generator technologies along with colloidal silver devices.
Both gentlemen engage in very similar research with similar attitudes toward
mainstream medicine.
Thus it's sometimes hard to tell them apart especially do to their similar


...E * C...