Re: Sealed Engine

Bruce A. Perreault ( (no email) )
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 22:24:29 -0500

Jerry W. Decker wrote:
> Hi Bruce!


> Whaddaya mean LATEST apology....
> Just kidding....believe me, when I hit the send key after reworking that
> original message a few times, I realized I SHOULD have gone to IBM and
> reread the blasted patent...then when I did, I was rushing like hell to
> send it before you responded...<g>....

* How did you find the second patent? You hit the "Patents that
this one" hah? That's all it takes, just a few seconds to uncover the
gold. A good researcher also goes that extra milimeter.

> Hey, live and learn...onward and upward....well, Perrault old fellow, you
> taught me something, I would never have thought Papp used anything
> radioactive in his engine....casts an entirely new light on it.

* Yes, it does. My only regret is that everyone was so busy trying to
fraud that Papp never got any just reward and we all lost out because of

> What do you think about this Searl engine story?

* I have studied the Searl's magnet formula. It appears that this
formula will produce a piezo-electric type magnet. By inducing a
magnetic field into them via the rotating disc extreme voltage
(ionization) could result. The centrifugal force would also cause
the ions to concentrate around the ridge of the disc, thus, propulsion!
I have tried an experiment with a rotating magnet with iron filings
scattered about it. I used a ring magnet from a burned out
from a microwave oven. I then secured this magnet onto the base of an
electric blender. The first time I did this the magnet went flying
the wall! I tried many type glues, non with much success. I recall only
would hold the magnet in place. I believe it is called formula PC-7. It
an expoxy type resin that hardware stores sell. Anyway, once you get the
magnet to spin like holy hell, place a sheet of paper above it, watch
do not touch the paper to the spinning magnet! Now scatter some iron
onto the paper. You will notice that the filings obit around the
spinning magnet.
>From this experiment I can see how the Searls Levity may actual work...
I have heard that Searl's was a stinker to deal with. Do you know that
he was
under the care of a Dr. Payjak for years? He had a severe breakdown
after his
attack on him by his government! What would you be like? Now he is back
to rebuild what was taken from him. Come on people, have a heart!
Where's your
spirits at?

> Do you know of any odd,
> maybe generally unknown property of gasoline that would get some reaction
> in the presence of radioactive materials???

* Yes, it contains DEUTERIUM & TRITIUM gasses! What happens when 75,000
goes through a spark-plug in a vacuum, like the one in a cars combustion
X-RAYS! Now add a tiny bit of ALPHA RADIATION...FUSION!

> I've never really looked
> into it because IMHO, I still don't think zpe/aether REQUIRES
> radioactivity to be tapped...though I can see how, being on the outbound
> cycle of creation...<g> would be closer to aether....

* There is no MAGICAL energy out there! The sooner we realize this the
sooner we will see discover how all those "free energy" could work.

* Did you know what Hubbard used in his device?
A RADIUM coated spark-plug! He even got a patent for it...