Re: The nature of light/Invisibility/changing topic too many times is annoying

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 07:08:01 -0800

Hi John et al!

You wrote;
> Reich claimed that the light we see from stars is induced in our
> atmosphere and not transmitted through space as we think.

I didn't know that (or don't remember it)...<g>..

> Also Thomas Brown (not T.T Brown) has an interesting theory about
> light, that the stars light is in real time and not the time machine
> we are told it is!

Yes, Tom is the one who told me he called NASA, but I did not want to
name names...<g>..he wouldn't mind, good guy, glad you are in touch with
him...(he said in his last email that the hemp clothing business was
really taking off...thats good, he, Alison and the family deserve some

> That puts FTL communication in perspective!
> It seems that light may travel through space at an instantaneous
> speed and that light is not absorbed but transmitted by an otherwise
> opaque object if the object is of the same refractory index as the
> body! So absorption (and reflection?) only happens at the surface of
> an object.

And here I think you have hit on the key....that absorption and
reflection only happens at the surface...the invisi.htm file description
of the machine that made the guy fade out, could have stimulating his
tissue electrically or creating some kind of energy envelope,
electrostatic, EM or magnetic around the body.

My puzzlement comes from the question of how light could go THROUGH the would seem the more logical thing to do than to wrap the light
around it.

Perhaps it expands the atoms of the subject to let light go through, but
a cloud, mist or vapor area would be seen.

That cloud of confusion business supposed to be used by Ninjas takes
advantage of the mind not wanting to look at something too complex to
analyze, so it kind of 'skips' over it....I should post some of the ideas
Steve Richards wrote about in his book on 'Invisibility'....seeya!

--                Jerry W. Decker   /    /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741    /   FAX :  (214) 324-8741   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187