Re: Sealed Engine Spook Story

Bruce A. Perreault ( (no email) )
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 09:48:25 -0500

> Searl said the inventor took a 2 cylinder engine and sealed it tightly so
> no air could get into it....he put in one pint of gasoline.
> When the gas was misted into the cylinder and hit with about a 75,000
> volt pulse (about twice as high as normal)...the gas exploded BUT DID NOT
> BURN since there was no air.

* After all, what is gasoline? It is a hydrocarbon! Included in this
is a very small amount of DEUTRONIUM & TRITIUM gasses! Hit these two in
a vacuum
chamber at 75,000 volts and what do you get? FUSION!

> By the way, does anyone know if 'Rex-Research' is still going?

* Yes, however, they are real slow at getting your order to you but
it is worth the wait. You also get a free file with your order. :)

Their address is,

Rex Research
P.O. Box 19250
Jean,NV. 89019

> Reich claimed that the light we see from stars is induced in our atmosphere
> and not transmitted through space as we think.
> Also Thomas Brown (not T.T Brown) has an interesting theory about light, that
> the stars light is in real time and not the time machine we are told it is!
> That puts FTL communication in perspective!

* I also subscribe to this theory. I do not think that the stars are
really as
far away as we are told. If they were then the light would have fizzeled
long ago and we would not see their light. If this be the case then the
are much closer than NASA wants to admit...