Re: Invisibility

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 05:04:45 -0800

Hi John et al!

First I want to commend you on starting a thread from a comment within
another document....that is PRECISELY the correct thing to do....thank
you! I hope everyone follows your lead and it will make it much easier
to find things and keep a thread ONTRACK....

You wrote;
> There are claims of the same thing happening with a liquid that had
> the same index of refraction as flesh, In popular science and such in
> the 20's and 30's a picture of a bat and another of a hand in the
> solution gave an x-ray like view.

I have that article posted on the BBS with the is probably
on one of the mirrors as INVISI1 & INVISI2...

Interesting idea, matching the index of refraction....though I like the
idea of 'warping' light to project any visual image you the
meeting, there was mention of a sci-fi novel that talked about such light
suits which the people used to survive by camoflauging themselves when
they had to go out in a destroyed and hostile world....

Now that we are talking about it, isn't that the idea behind the
'Invisible Man' movies?? Wonder if that clear bat is what inspired those
movies?? Taking a chemical that would alter the blood and thereby every
tissue that blood suffused, so that the index of refraction for AIR?????
was matched, making the person OR OBJECT invisible.....

Ok, another can of worms...I am told that a friend called NASA and was
told that there was no light in space, another call to confirm
and he was told that was not for public release and it was
incorrect.......Keely said that light could not be perceived unless it
struck a percussive medium, such as air or tissue or mass
itself...following that, in space there is no light, other experimenters
including Goethe claimed the same thing...that in space, in vacuum you
could not see light...cameras in space see only because the light strikes
itself on the imaging media to make itself known (seen)....

Based on that...(g) would you NOT let light strike a mass, well, be
REFLECTED from a mass, and wouldn't you see a black hole where the mass

--                Jerry W. Decker   /    /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741    /   FAX :  (214) 324-8741   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187