January 98 Roundtable Notes (Part 6)

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 04:53:28 -0800

More notes from the January 1998 VSRT meeting in Dallas

We discussed the Jacobson Resonator and its claims of eliminating pain
and having positive results for neurological diseases including MS. It
is strikingly similar to a combination of the RIFE machine and the
Lakhovsky MWO...see; http://keelynet.com/biology.htm for several files
This was also tied in to recent claims that off-the-shelf degaussers
could be used to alleviat pain. Specifically using off-the-shelf audio
tape degaussers and degaussing coils for video monitors.

We also discussed the recent BAAT company demonstration of an engine
modification that tested at 92mpg and the resultant stock increase when
announced...it is supposed to be a bolt-on modification.

We also discussed the magnet & superconductor sources, specifically with
interest in duplicating Hamels initial experiment, which was much like
Searl's SEG (Space Energy Generator). The idea was essentially the same
arrangement as the flying disk but with a governor to keep it from flying
into space...the idea being it is self-running and putting out more power
than it needs to run standalone...so you keep it from continually
increasing speed to take off into space by using a governor or weighting
it down...the drum experiment Hamel talks about in 'The Granite Man & the
Butterfly) requires many magnets floating on each others fields which is
an experiment that should be done first before trying to build the flying
disk as it could well produce free energy....see;

The local fellow working on the hydrolizer/electrolyzer to produce oxygen
and hydrogen reported he expected to test an automobile engine, running
on his gaseous mixture...this should be fun...he is very excited about
it...I told him about another fellow who recently said he was developing
a website that would release his research results on how to power an
engine on such gases....looking forward to that one!!

We also discussed the claim of making gold from various minerals and
silver, as well as the claim of making diamonds from coal using a certain
frequency, probably injected as a standing wave...

Additionally, it was noted how on the video clip of Richard Hull and
Peter Graneau about their water explosion experiments, where they use
high density electrical discharges to explode water (at 3000 mph from a
thimbleful of water, producing neat clean holes in 1/4 thick aluminum
plate)...that this was crude version of how Keely's 42.8khz and the Doc X
experiments could produce such forces in a very controlled way and using
lower energies to release the explosive forces, now we're talking! Note,
the claim by Stan Meyer about his acoustic spark plug, idea stolen from
Dale Pond 6 years before, see; http://keelynet.com/energy/docx.htm

One final thought, Bob Forward on that videotape, said 'a piece of space
the size of a sugar cube that looks like its empty, is actually full of
electromagnetic energy so much so that it would run the whole world for a
billion years!' Don't we suspect just that and are trying to tap it!

--                Jerry W. Decker   /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com    /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741    /   FAX :  (214) 324-8741   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187