ICD (England & Wales deaths 1901-1995)
(Source: Twentieth Century Mortality CD, Office of National Statistics, 1
Drummond Gate, SW1, UK--0207 233 9233 02075335243.
ICD classifications are done by the World Health Organisation)
Measles deaths 1901-1995 graph pdf
Twentieth Century Mortality, England & Wales, database (Access, not on internet site) ------ source: whale/zip/db1.mdb
ICD 1 1901 --1910
ICD2 1911---1920
ICD3 1921---1930
ICD4 1931---1939
ICD5 1940---1949
ICD6 1950---1957
ICD7 1958---1967
ICD8 1968---1978
ICD9 1979---1995
ICD Deaths from vaccination
ICD Diptheria
ICD Erysipelas
ICD Measles
ICD Meningitis
ICD Mumps
ICD Polio
ICD Scarlet Fever
ICD Smallpox
ICD Vaccinia
ICD Whooping Cough
Death totals:
Measles deaths statistics 1901-1993
Measles deaths totals
Mumps deaths totals 1901-1995
Meningitis deaths
Polio deaths
Diptheria deaths
Whooping cough deaths
Scarlet fever deaths