Media Quotes
Quotes  [back] Media

False Balancing
Cancer therapies

Subjects kept from the public

As for the petty little world of journalism, the media demonstrates how it, more than anyone, is careful to traffic only in authorized ideas and wares; while at the same time it fosters, through its antics, the illusion of a free circulation of ideas and opinions - not unlike jesters in a tyrant's court. Professor Robert Faurisson

Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play. --Josph Goebbels, Nazi propaganda minister
"All news is lies and all propaganda is disguised as news." ----- Willy Munzenberg (Stalin's propaganda chief)
"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media."----William Colby, former CIA director

 The media is a Counter-Intelligence organisation. The media backs every war. The role of the media and embedded historians is to surround the truth with a bodyguard of lies. HOW TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD  A Right Royal Con by Greg Hallett.

The process has to be conscious, or it would not be carried out with sufficient precision, but it also has to be unconscious, or it would bring with it a feeling of falsity and hence of guilt.... To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies--all this is indispensably necessary.
--George Orwell, 1984 (see)

Do we have a free press today?  Sure we do.  It's free to report all the sex scandals it wants, all the stock market news we can handle, every new health fad that comes down the pike, and every celebrity marriage or divorce that happens.  But when it comes to the real down and dirty stuff -- stories like Tailwind, the October Surprise, the El Mozote massacre, corporate corruption, or CIA involvement in drug trafficking -- that's where we begin to see the limits of our freedoms.  In today's media environment, sadly, such stories are not even open for discussion.
    Back in 1938, when fascism was sweeping Europe, legendary investigative reporter George Seldes observed (in his book, The Lords of the Press) that "it is possible to fool all the people all the time -- when government and press cooperate."  Unfortunately, we have reached that point.
[2004] THE  MIGHTY  WURLITZER  PLAYS  ON by Gary Webb Chapter 14 from In the Buzzsaw

Newscasters who want to keep their careers afloat learn the fine art of evasion. We should never accuse them of doing a poor and sloppy job of reporting. If anything, with great skill they skirt around the most important points of a story. With much finesse they say a lot about very little, serving up heaps of junk news filled with so many empty calories and so few nutrients. Thus do they avoid offending those who wield politico-economic power. It is enough to take your breath away. Media Moments by Dr. Michael Parenti

The word media is a few thousand years old, taken from the word Medes. The Medes were black magicians, skillful in the art of illusion and magic. What better word to describe film and television: illusion and magic.  Don Bradley A few words

In keeping with the liberal paradigm, the media never asks why things happen the way they do. Social problems are rarely associated with the politico-economic forces that create them. So we are taught to truncate our own critical thinking. Imagine if we attempted something different. Suppose we report, as is seldom reported, that the harshly exploitative labor conditions existing in so many countries generally has the backing of their respective military forces. Suppose further that we cross another line and note that these rightwing military forces are fully supported by the U.S. national security state. Then suppose we cross that most serious line of all and instead of just deploring this fact we also ask why successive U.S. administrations have involved themselves in such unsavory pursuits throughout the world. Suppose we conclude that the whole phenomenon is consistent with a dedication to making the world safe for free-market corporate capitalism, as measured by the kinds of countries that are helped and the kinds that are attacked. Such an analysis almost certainly would not be printed anywhere except in a few select radical publications. We crossed too many lines. [2001] Monopoly Media Manipulation by Dr. Michael Parenti

The media downplay stories of momentous magnitude. In 1965 the Indonesian military — advised, equipped, trained, and financed by the U.S. military and the CIA — overthrew President Achmed Sukarno and eradicated the Indonesian Communist Party and its allies, killing half a million people (some estimates are as high as a million) in what was the greatest act of political mass murder since the Nazi Holocaust. The generals also destroyed hundreds of clinics, libraries, schools, and community centers that had been established by the Communists. Here was a sensational story if ever there was one, but it took three months before it received passing mention in Time magazine and yet another month before it was reported in the New York Times (April 5, 1966), accompanied by an editorial that actually praised the Indonesian military for “rightly playing its part with utmost caution.” [2001] Monopoly Media Manipulation by Dr. Michael Parenti

The British press baron, Lord Northcliffe once said that journalism is "what somebody somewhere wants suppressed; the rest is just advertising." I wrote VACCINE A in the belief that information about the toxicity of squalene has been systematically ignored, if not suppressed, while we preoccupy ourselves with latest on Michael Jackson and Jessica Simpson. These days, journalism busies itself with what Lord Northcliffe would probably dismiss as advertising; celebrity coverage, for instance, is a form of advertising, I think. Celebrities are a kind of brand, a commodity that is mass marketed through stories on shows like Access Hollywood, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Dateline, 20/20 and 60 Minutes. Such stories build "brand awareness" for "commodities" like Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Brand awareness of Tom Cruise sells tickets to War of the Worlds; publicizing the Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie brands boosts the box office for Mr and Mrs Smith, and so on. Seen in this light, publicity is advertising. And, in all fairness to the shows that air celebrity stories, the public has an insatiable appetite for them. Gary Matsumoto

They are longing for a war with Iran. Iran is no more a harm to us than was Iraq or Afghanistan. They invented an enemy, they tell lies, lies, lies. The New York Times goes along with their lies, lies, lies. And they don't stop. When the public that's lied to 30 times a day it's apt to believe the lies, is not it?---Gore Vidal

Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play. --Josph Goebbels, Nazi propaganda ministe

"Today, journalists more than any other cohort of professionals, are responsible for the confusion that surrounds power and its criminality in contemporary society. As Janet Malcolm said in another context, ‘Every journalist who is not too stupid or too full of himself to notice what is going on knows that what he does is morally indefensible.’ "----Martin Walker MA

We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National autodetermination practiced in past centuries.-- David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting in June of 1991

The simplest method of securing a silent weapon and gaining control of the public is to keep the public undisciplined and ignorant of the basic system principles on the one hand, while keeping them confused, disorganized, and distracted with matters of no real importance on the other hand.  This is achieved by:
disengaging their minds; sabotaging their mental activities; providing a low-quality program of public education in mathematics, logic, systems design and economics; and discouraging technical creativity.
engaging their emotions, increasing their self-indulgence and their indulgence in emotional and physical activities, by:  a) unrelenting emotional affrontations and attacks (mental and emotional rape) by way of constant barrage of sex, violence, and wars in the media - especially the T.V. and the newspapers. b) giving them what they desire - in excess - "junk food for thought" - and depriving them of what they really need. Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

There has been no press coverage of the prosecution case at the GMC except on the first day when all the main charges were advertised by newspapers and television. In fact, the Science Media Centre and Sense About Science and the activists linked to these two pharmaceutically funded lobby groups have been running a campaign since the early 2000’s to censure from the media all criticisms of science corporations and scientific processes. Following the last major article in the Observer that appeared just before the GMC hearings began (see Walker M. J. Guardian of What? the editor at the Observer resigned after being put under heavy pressure amongst other things, about this article. And in 2007, the BBC banned, world wide, one already shown episode of the Judge John Deed drama series, that dealt with MMR, written and produced by Gordon Newman. [Feb 2008] NEW LABOUR, THE VACCINE SCANDAL AND THE CHARACTER ASSASINATION OF DR ANDREW WAKEFIELD by Martin Walker

"Media manipulation in the U.S. today is more efficient than it was in Nazi Germany, because here we have the pretence that we are getting all the information we want. That misconception prevents people from even looking for the truth." - Mark Crispin Miller

First -clamp down the media so there is no outlet for the truth. That's how you create the field around the sheep. Now they are boxed in. Then put them under a little pressure -like say... 9/11. Now, you got them looking for an outlet. An outlet which eases the pressure. Any outlet. So you provide one. And hey presto, They head straight for it. Lies, Damm Lies and WhatReallyHappened

[2005] The Head of CNN's news division, Eason Jordan, ignited an Internet Firestorm last week when he told a panel at the World Economic Forum gathering in Davos, Switzerland, that the American military had targeted journalists during operations in Iraq. He said he knew of about 12 journalists who had been targeted and killed as a matter of policy. So much for freedom of speech in the U.S.A.!

[Jan 2008] A review of Suckers by Rose Shapiro By Martin J Walker The book Suckers is a social and intellectual fraud; a sick but bracing, account of the science lobby and media global lies and delusions.
    The publishers of Suckers are nominally Harvill Secker......Harvill Secker is a subsidiary of Random House which is in turn owned by the massive German media conglomerate, Bertelsmann .....when I looked at the Foundation that controlled Bertelsmann, Bertelsmann Stiftung, owned mainly be the Mohn family, I found that not only did this foundation have on its board one of the leading executive members of Bayer, but three of the Mohn family who control the Foundation were medical doctors. One of the major projects of the Foundation is support for and the reorganization of the German public health system, with a dependence on pharmaceutical medicine and allopathy.
    Why can’t the Guardian and the Observer lay their cards on the table and just say, ‘Look we’re a cynical and dishonest load of bastards, up to our necks in the thick brown muck of vested interests and science lobby groups. We disagree profoundly with allowing people personal choice in health care options, and we don’t want an open or honest discussion about it. OK’. At least then we’d all know where we stand.

Look how all these "hate crimes" are paraded by us on TV. The burning of the churches. Consider what happened with Waco, Ruby Ridge, the Oklahoma City bombing. They know the effects of trauma on the human mind. They know that when trauma occurs, we're all more susceptible to accepting misinformation and any controls that they want to put through our controlled media. We must be vigilant any time trauma occurs to see which of our freedoms are being eroded.   Sex, Lies, and Mind Control by Cathy O'Brien

“Free market” has long been a pet label, evoking images of economic plenitude and democracy. In reality, free-market policies undermine the markets of local producers, provide state subsidies to multinational corporations, destroy public sector services, and create greater gaps between the wealthy few and the underprivileged many. [2001] Monopoly Media Manipulation by Dr. Michael Parenti

Some common negative labels are: “leftist guerrillas,” “Islamic terrorists,” “conspiracy theories,” “inner-city gangs,” and “civil disturbances.” These, too, are seldom treated within a larger context of social relations and issues. The press itself is facilely and falsely labeled “the liberal media” by the hundreds of conservative columnists, commentators, and talk-shows hosts who crowd the communication universe while claiming to be shut out from it. Some labels we will never be exposed to are “class power,” “class struggle,” and “U.S. imperialism.” [2001] Monopoly Media Manipulation by Dr. Michael Parenti

A new favorite among deceptive labels is “reforms,” whose meaning is inverted, being applied to any policy dedicated to undoing the reforms that have been achieved after decades of popular struggle. So the destruction of family assistance programs is labeled “welfare reform.” “Reforms” in Eastern Europe, and most recently in Yugoslavia, have meant the heartless impoverishment of former Communist countries, the dismantling of what remained of the public economy, its deindustrialization and expropriation at fire sale prices by a corporate investor class, complete with massive layoffs, drastic cutbacks in public assistance and human services, and a dramatic increase in unemployment and human suffering. “IMF reforms” is a euphemism for the same kind of bruising cutbacks throughout the Third World. As Edward Herman once noted, “reforms” are not the solution, they are the problem.  In April 2001, the newly elected prime minister of Japan, Junichiro Koisumi, was widely identified in the U.S. media as a “reformer.” His free-market “reforms” include the privatization of Japan’s postal saving system. Millions of Japanese have their life savings in the postal system and the “reformer” Koisumi wants private investors to be able to get their hands on these funds. [2001] Monopoly Media Manipulation by Dr. Michael Parenti

Another favorite media label is “hardline.” Anyone who resists free-market “reforms,” be it in Belarus, Italy, Peru, or Yugoslavia, is labeled a “hardliner.” An article in the New York Times (10/21/97) used “hardline” and “hardliner” eleven times to describe Bosnian Serb leaders who opposed attempts by NATO forces to close down the “hardline Bosnian Serb broadcast network.” The radio station in question was the only one in all of Bosnia that offered a perspective critical of Western intervention in Yugoslavia. The forceful closing of this one remaining dissenting media voice was described by the Times as “a step toward bringing about responsible news coverage in Bosnia.” The story did note “the apparent irony” of using foreign soldiers for “silencing broadcasts in order to encourage free speech.” The NATO troops who carried out this repressive task were identified with the positive label of “peacekeepers.”  It is no accident that labels like "hardline" are never subjected to precise definition. The efficacy of a label is that it not have a specific content which can be held up to a test of evidence. Better that it be self-referential, propagating an undefined but evocative image. [2001] Monopoly Media Manipulation by Dr. Michael Parenti

Many labels are fabricated not by news media but by officialdom. U.S. governmental and corporate leaders talk about “our global leadership,” “national security,” “free markets,” and “globalization” when what they mean is “All Power to the Transnationals.” The media uncritically and dutifully accept these official views, transmitting them to wider publics without any noticeable critical comment regarding the actual content of the policy. Face-value transmission has characterized the press’s performance in almost every area of domestic and foreign policy. [2001] Monopoly Media Manipulation by Dr. Michael Parenti

False Balancing
In accordance with the canons of good journalism, the press is supposed to tap competing sources to get both sides of an issue. In fact, both sides are seldom accorded equal prominence. One study found that on NPR, supposedly the most liberal of the mainstream media, right-wing spokespeople are often interviewed alone, while liberals — on the less frequent occasions they appear — are almost always offset by conservatives. Furthermore, both sides of a story are not usually all sides. The whole left-progressive and radical portion of the opinion spectrum is amputated from the visible body politic.
    False balancing was evident in a BBC World Service report (December 11, 1997) that spoke of “a history of violence between Indonesian forces and Timorese guerrillas” — with not a hint that the guerrillas were struggling for their lives against an Indonesian invasion force that had slaughtered some 200,000 Timorese. Instead, the genocidal invasion of East Timor was made to sound like a grudge fight, with “killings on both sides.” By imposing a neutralizing gloss, the BBC announcer was introducing a serious distortion.
    The U.S.-supported wars in Guatemala and El Salvador during the 1980s were often treated with that same kind of false balancing. Both those who burned villages and those who were having their villages burned were depicted as equally involved in a contentious bloodletting. While giving the appearance of being objective and neutral, one actually neutralizes the subject matter and thereby drastically warps it. [2001] Monopoly Media Manipulation by Dr. Michael Parenti

The media's goal is to "promote both sides of the issue until confusion reigns" and the individual throws up his hands in exasperation concluding that is impossible to know what is truth. Dr. Day Responds to her Critics

Charles Lewis, the former star CBS reporter who now runs the Center for Public Integrity in Washington, D.C., told me he was in no doubt that, had his colleagues done their job rather than acted as ciphers, the invasion would not have taken place. Such is the power of the modern media; it is a power we should reclaim from those subverting it. The Media Culpability for Iraq By John Pilger

We live in a dirty and dangerous world things the general public does not need to know, and shouldn't.   I believe democracy   flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows. — The late Katharine Graham, owner of the Washington Post

It is easier for journalists to not even think about what they can't write about
"Newspeak was the official language ... The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits ... but to make all other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought should be literally unthinkable." Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell.  (Taken from Martin Walker article)

There is a saying: "In America you can say what you want, but you daren't think about what you can't say." 

Just a word about the media, and then we will take a break. One of the best payoffs of being a reporter for fifteen years is that I have come to see this machine called "the media" and how it operates in a way that I never thought was possible because I have talked to a lot of reporters, and they become the eyes, the mouth and the ears for everybody else..... there is a pattern that always seems to emerge. The pattern is that there is a cover story that emerges very quickly after something is either revealed or happens. Very quickly a cover story comes to the fore and then anything that does not fit the cover story is discarded. ......So this is the scenario that is painted by the press, see? Talk about mind control here ... now the reporters that I talked to ... how they slip and slide with this ... once the cover story is established ... how they manage to keep from discovering anything, or thinking about anything ... or just considering the insanity of the cover story itself, is really something to behold.
    And I have been talking to a bunch of reporters down in Oklahoma City now ... I just listen and we talk and it is all very chatty and everything ... and for example one guy who was with the only daily in Oklahoma (The Daily Oklahoman) ... all he could talk about was the federal boys ......... "the federal boys told me" that they couldn't find any other kind of bomb in the building at all ... that's it ... what else is there to know ... the federal boys day after day were going through the wreckage and they told him they couldn't find anything ... this guy would have talked for three hours like this if I had let him ... and that's how he keeps himself from figuring out what's going on and each reporter has his own little scene. The CIA, Mind Control & Children: A Talk by John Rappoport

Do we have a free press today? Sure we do. It’s free to report all the sex scandals it wants, all the stock market news we can handle, every new health fad that comes down the pike, and every celebrity marriage or divorce that happens. But when it comes to the real down and dirty stuff—stories like Tailwind, the October Surprise, the El Mozote massacre, corporate corruption, or CIA involvement in drug trafficking—that’s where we begin to see the limits of our freedoms. In today’s media environment, sadly, such stories are not even open for discussion. Back in 1938, when fascism was sweeping Europe, legendary investigative reporter George Seldes observed that “it is possible to fool all the people all the time—when government and press cooperate.” Unfortunately, we have reached that point.  P. 309, 310 Gary Webb. Mass Media Cover-up Leading Journalists Expose Major Cover-ups by Media Corporations

As far as the major media go, it's real simple. First of all, if you look at what just happened with AOL and Time Warner who own CNN. We have proven in From The Wilderness that CNN flat lost a lawsuit over the use of sarin gas during Vietnam. The Tailwind suits were settled and the former producer, April Oliver, just bought a six-bedroom house. I mean, CNN cannot afford to tell the truth, because what happened when they tried to tell the truth is that Henry Kissinger and Colin Powell picked up the phone and scared Ted Turner to death by threatening his stock value on Wall Street. Mike Ruppert (Wall Street, CIA and the Global Drug Trade)

It's very interesting to note that one of the companies I track as far as laundering drug monies go--General Electric--happens to own NBC. Now, everybody knows that GE brings good things to life; they make DVDs, VCRs, television sets, telephones. When drug money in South America says they'd like to buy 100 million dollars worth of TVs and DVDs so that someone laundering drug money in Colombia can open a chain of appliance stores and make that money legal, GE asks absolutely no questions about where that money is coming from. As a matter of fact, there are no requirements for Wall Street to report drug money being invested.

"The British Medical Journal ran a very revealing article recently, entitled Selling Sickness. In it, the authors stated:  “Pharmaceutical companies are actively involved in sponsoring the definition of diseases and promoting them to both prescribers and consumers. The social construction of illness is being replaced by the corporate construction of disease. Although some sponsored professionals or consumers may act independently and all concerned may have honourable motives, in many cases the formula is the same: groups and/or campaigns are orchestrated, funded, and facilitated by corporate interests, often via their public relations and marketing infrastructure. A key strategy of the alliances is to target the news media with stories designed to create fears about the condition or disease and draw attention to the latest treatment. Company sponsored advisory boards supply the ‘independent experts’ for these stories, consumer groups provide the ‘victims’ and public relations companies provide media outlets with the positive spin about the latest ‘breakthrough’ medications.” (Ray Moynihan, Iona Heath, David Henry, 'Selling Sickness: the pharmaceutical industry and disease-mongering', British Medical Journal online, BMJ, 13th  April  2002 )--Steve Ransom

"Look at the media, that's where it happens," he said. "Look at those earliest pieces about Ho and the cocktails that ran in the Wall Street Journal. They are just pure propaganda, pure drug company puff pieces...."And those reporters won the Pulitzer that year for their AIDS reporting. The pharmaceutical industry exerts a huge influence on scientists and journalists.--Celia Farber

Medavoy said, "A lot of what we did at this point was stop things from getting into print. That's often more important than planting lies. As far as Duesberg was concerned, I can tell you there were many newspapers and magazines who were ready to give his views some space. You know, maverick scientist rejects HIV as cause of AIDS. So we began a coordinated effort to keep that from happening. We let the scientists at NIH [National Institutes of Health], who had the most to lose if Duesberg could establish a credible beachhead, handle the PR on rejecting Duesberg's science. They engaged in some character assassination as well, which was fine. We, on the other side, got "reliable sources" to go to those newspapers and magazines and tell them that to print anything good about Duesberg was DANGEROUS and IRRESPONSIBLE. That was our tack. We had our people say that thousands of people could die if they stopped believing that HIV was the cause of AIDS. Promiscuous sex would become more rampant than ever, people would get infected, get sick, and spread the virus even further. We hammered on all this, and we cowed most of those media outlets. It worked, for the most part."  [2003] Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport

In that year, I began travelling the world, lecturing and interviewing extensively upon the subject of ozone and oxygen therapies. I called all the major network news bureaus, including Public Radio, and reported ozone AIDS cures coming out of Europe. Not a single reporter or show called back for details. I wrote and sent documentation to all of the "household word" TV talk show hosts who make their living by acting "concerned" and I tried with all the "AIDS fundraising spokespeople", show business celebs, even sending proof of their home addresses, but as of yet not one single phone call or inquiry came back asking for more. The shining media lights are not the big names who plunk down millions or give benefits for "research," but the many brave independent talk show hosts, show producers, and health expo promoters that have let me on to put the information out there for you. We owe them a debt of gratitude. OZONE HAS CURED AIDS IN OVER 300 CASES--Ed McCabe

"AIDS and SARS are ways for epidemiologists (e.g., the CDC, WHO, etc.) to secure their jobs and continued funding for their agencies.  No new emerging epidemics, maybe no CDC, no WHO, so we've got an infrastructure that REQUIRES the "discovery" of new, threatening epidemics.   And the media pick a new one every year.  This year, it's SARS.  For the past couple of years, it's been West Nile Virus.  Next year it'll be something else."---- Dr Dan Duffy DC

"I called all the major network news bureaus, including Public Radio, and reported ozone AIDS cures coming out of Europe. Not a single reporter or show called back for details. I wrote and sent documentation to all the ‘household word’ TV talk show hosts who make their living acting ‘concerned’ and I tried all the ‘AIDS fund raising spokespeople’, show business celebs, even sending proof of their home addresses, but as of yet not one single phone call or inquiry came back for more."—Ed McCabe.

"There is so much medical evidence to support oxygen therapies that no media dared cover it."—Duncan Rhoads, Nexus Editor on Ed McCabe lecture tour of Australia.

Early in life I had noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper. ---George Orwell

During Ed's last visit to Australia a couple of years ago, a reporter from a well-known Melbourne newspaper stood up in question time, and told the audience that he had been 'told' to do 'a hatchet job' on Ed McCabe. After listening to Ed speak, he promised to write the truth about oxygen therapies. He also said that if he did this, his newspaper would not run the story. And they didn't. OZONE HAS CURED AIDS IN OVER 300 CASES--Ed McCabe

PR News wire service is one of the largest if not the largest fee-for news agencies in America. That is, if you're a corporation and you want to put out a news item about your product, that is the company you go through. Now, I have been a subscriber and on at least two occasions, probably three or more, I personally have had my news stories suppressed. I have not been treated fairly, by even that allegedly independent pay-for subscription news service. What happens is, I will submit a story, their assistant or associate editors will take the story, they'll put it in, then, if they have any questions about whether it's acceptable to be put on the wire services, they'll pass it by their editors or their attorneys, and if it says anything whatsoever that might be construed as slanderous they won't ask you, what is your documentation to support this claim? They just simply will not let it, no matter how much you pay them, they'll say we're returning your money. We're not running this story. Now is that the way a free press should operate? Or would it be better to say, well, you make a very inflammatory claim here, could I please see the document upon which this claim is based? That would a free press, but it doesn't work that way. THE SATANIC NAZI FLU CONSPIRACY by Jim Redden

The founder of the model for supermarket tabloid publishing was a man named Generoso Pope. In 1951, as Mr. Pope would readily admit in his own "Who's Who" Biography, he worked for the CIA in their psychological warfare division. In 1952, he bought the Hearst-owned New York Enquirer (he changed the name to The National Enquirer) and started his media empire, supposedly independent of his lone one year stint (or so he claims) in league with Langely. Pope financed the purchase via a loan for twenty grand from mobster Frank Costello, who also happened to be godfather of Pope's children. According to Pope, the loan was at "zero interest." Thus, the beginnings of tabloid journalism have the predictable intelligence/Mafia fingerprints all over the place.
    In retrospect, it all makes sense. At the time, the CIA plot known as Operation MOCKINGBIRD was in full effect, an attempt to put it's bloody tentacles over the entire korporate media apparatus, an attempt that has clearly succeeded. But as any expert of Machiavellian plots will tell you, to truly kontrol something, you also must kontrol the alternatives. It should then be no surprise that suddenly the supermarket tabloid popped up, to give the masses a false option of "choice". By being an option that is so easily discredited, it somehow manages to reinforce the "legitimacy" and "integrity" of mainstream korporate journalism. The tabloid also serves for middle America as another kontrol mechanism, the pages filled with a reactionary ideology that is disgustingly racist and sexist, which explains why tabloids regularly have been propaganda mills for the ruling klass. And finally, the tabloids are the perfect place to throw a legitimate story that the elites desire to discredit. Daddy's Little Princess: JonBenét Ramsey & The Air In Colorado

I am a former reporter for the N.Y. bureau of the Associated Press so I know the media. People have this idea that reporters for big outlets are these super-hip, highly educated people. They're not! They are mostly low-grade careerists who eat junk food and have filled their heads with conformist crap since they started college. They are rubber-stamped from a mold. They have no curiosity because real curiosity is dangerous -just ask the late reporter Don Bolles who got car-bombed by Barry Goldwater's pal Kemper Marley. Bolles was a very curious reporter! The Scapegoating of Ted Kaczynski: Cereal Murder and the Group Mind ---Joan d'Arc Interviews Michael Hoffman, II

Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one. —A. J. Liebling

Media: Keep the adult public attention diverted away from the real social issues, and captivated by matters of no real importance. Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

Six tons of books, journals and papers were burned in a scientific holocaust. And not a single major newspaper in the Land of the Free protested this unprecedented action, so reminiscent of Nazi Germany. Dr. Wilhelm Reich: Scientific Genius – or Medical Madman? By ALAN CANTWELL, Jr., M.D.

Former CIA Director William Colby went further, admitting: “The Central Intelligence Agency owns anyone of any significance in the major media.” WHY THE MEDIA LIE The Corporate Structure Of The Mass Media By Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed

The same kind of tunnels described by the kids at McMartin preschool, who also claimed they were the victims of Satanic ritual abuse, claims which were utterly mocked in the mass media. In fact, they still are mocked in the mass media - despite the evidence to the contrary, including wide-spread sexually transmitted diseases among the kids. People Magazine is not particularly noted for its investigative journalism, yet had a reporter "investigate" the McMartin pre-school story. After interviewing Dr. E. Gary Stickel, the UCLA archaeologist commissioned to excavate the McMartin site, the reporter wrote back to headquarters that no tunnels had been uncovered. When Dr. Stickel heard this, he was surprised, as he told the reporter the exact opposite. Daddy's Little Princess: JonBenét Ramsey & The Air In Colorado

Do not fear the enemy, for your enemy can only take your life. It is far better that you fear the media, for they will steal your Honor. That awful power, the public opinion of a nation, is created in America by a horde of ignorant, self-complacent simpletons who failed at ditching and shoemaking and fetched up in journalism on their way to the poorhouse: ----Mark Twain.

"The British media has been enjoying a feeding frenzy over a report that suggests "minerals and vitamins can cause cancer and liver damage" (The Times), that people are "poisoning themselves" (Sunday Times), and that their health could be "irreversibly damaged" (Daily Telegraph).
    The report and the ensuing press articles come at an ideal time for the pharmaceutical industry - just when the EU is determining safe levels of vitamins to be sold over-the-counter to consumers.  Safe upper levels will be incorporated into a directive that will restrict the sale of vitamins and other nutrients throughout the EU in two years' time.
    The report, from the UK Food Standards Agency, and the press coverage that followed will between them probably sound the death knell for the nutritional industry in Britain and beyond.  Success in restricting vitamin sales in Europe will be followed by a fresh attempt from the pharmaceutical lobby to reintroduce tighter controls in the USA."--WDDTY May 2003

Half of everything in the news actually originates from a PR firm. If you're a lazy journalist, editor, or news director, it's easy to simply regurgitate the dozens of press releases and stories that come in every day for free from PR firms. Remember, the media's primary source of income is the more than $100 billion a year corporations spend on advertising. The PR firms are owned by advertising agencies, so the same companies that are producing billions of dollars in advertising are the ones pitching stories to the news media, cultivating relationships with reporters, and controlling reporters' access to the executives and companies they represent. In fact, of the 160,000 or so PR flacks in the U.S., maybe a third began their careers as journalists. Who better to manipulate the media than former reporters and editors? Investigative journalist Mark Dowie estimates that professional PR flacks actually outnumber real working journalists in the U.S.
     Journalism is in drastic decline. It's become a lousy profession. The commercial media are greed-driven enterprises dominated by a dozen transnational companies. Newsroom staffs have been downsized. Much of what you see on national and local TV news is actually video news releases prepared by public-relations firms and given free to TV stations and networks. News directors air these PR puff pieces disguised as news stories because it's a free way to fill air time and allows them to lay off reporters. Of course, it's not just television that's the problem. Academics who study public relations report that half or more of what appears in newspapers and magazines is lifted verbatim from press releases generated by public-relations firms.
    Frankly, if you're not cynical, you're not understanding what's happening. The reality is that the wheels of media are greased with more than $100 billion a year in corporate advertising. The advertisers' power to dictate the content of what we see as news and entertainment grows every year. After all, the real purpose of the media as a business is to deliver an audience to advertisers. Journalists find themselves squeezed between advertising money coming in the back door and press releases coming in the front.
    Some PR companies - such as Carma International and Video Monitoring Service - specialize in monitoring news stories and journalists. They can immediately evaluate all print, radio, and television coverage of a subject to determine which stories were favorable to corporate interests, who the reporters were, who their bosses are, and so on. The PR firms then rank reporters as favorable or unfavorable to their clients' interests, and cultivate relationships with cooperative reporters while punishing those whose reporting is critical. Certain PR firms will provide dossiers on reporters so that, between the time a reporter makes an initial phone call and the time a company's vice-president of communications calls back, the company will have found out the name of the reporter's supervisor, all about the reporter's family and background, and other pertinent information. WAR ON TRUTH The Secret Battle for the American Mind An Interview with John Stauber

A University of Massachusetts study later showed that the more TV people watched, the fewer facts they actually knew about the situation in the Persian Gulf, and the more they supported the war. WAR ON TRUTH The Secret Battle for the American Mind An Interview with John Stauber

Eustice Mullins has published his research in his book Who Owns the TV Networks showing that the Rothschilds have control of all three U.S. Networks, plus other aspects of the recording and mass media industry. It can be added that they control Reuters too. From other sources it appears CNN, which began as an independent challenge to the Jewish Network monopoly, ran into repeated trickery, and ended up part of the system. Money from B.C.C.I., (B.C.C.I. has been one of the New World Orders financial systems for doing its dirty business such as controlling Congressmen, and is involved with INSLA, the Iran-Contra Scandal, Centrust, and other recent scandals) which has tainted so many aspects of public power in the U.S. has also been behind CNN. Bloodlines of the Illuminati 11. Rothschild

A United States Senate Committee (Church committee) reported in l976 that the CIA was able to sway public opinion by secretly employing at least fifty American journalists who could be expected to publish reports consistent with agency goals. (Church Comm.) The New York Times (12-25-26-27-1977) reported that the C.I.A. owns outright over 200 newspapers, magazines, wire services, and 26 publishing houses that operate in countries throughout the world. THE U.S. STATE SECURITY APPARATUS AND ITS VICTIMS

"The author (Douglas Farah) of that article, at least when he's not writing for the Post, knows the answer perfectly well. The U.S. led a devastating terrorist war throughout the region to try to prevent democracy and social development. These billions of dollars of aid that he talks about were billions of dollars spent to destroy these countries. That's why they are worse off than before. But the Post can't say that. No matter how overwhelming the evidence is, it's perfectly possible simply to disregard it and to go on with fantasies that are much more pleasing to powerful interests and to oneself." Prof Naom Chomsky

"It's done differently in El Salvador. There they send in the death squads. Here what they do is try to hook you on sitcoms. It's true that both are techniques of control, but they are rather different techniques." Prof Naom Chomsky

"I found early on that you can’t trust the network media in the United States to tell the truth. They’re part of the problem because they are owned by defence contractors for a reason—which is that the $900 Billion global defence industry is going to control that which can sink them, so what do they do? They own the media."---David Morehouse, M.A. Ph.D. ex US Army Intelligence Support Command (INSCOM)

One night, probably in 1880, John Swinton, then the preeminent New York journalist, was the guest of honour at a banquet given him by the leaders of his craft. Someone who knew neither the press nor Swinton offered a toast to the independent press. Swinton outraged his colleagues by replying:
    "There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.
    "The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes." (Source: Labor's Untold Story, by Richard O. Boyer and Herbert M. Morais, published by United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America, NY, 1955/1979.)

"The BIG Lie"  Although most people are not aware of it, the fact remains that the mass media is being used as a propaganda weapon to spread misinformation about cheap alternatives to drugs and other pharmaceutical products." 

"The mainstream media ... have failed us completely, here in the UK and in the USA. Any news on the pharmaceutical industries is just too damned uncomfortable to handle; too complicated, often deliberately, too scientific for the layman. Many hacks who should know better have been lunched, holidayed and bamboozled into silence. Fake nostrums are taken as gospel..."---John le Carre, The Spectator, December 2000

"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there's free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate. " ---Noam Chomsky

"Journalism is in drastic decline. It's become a lousy profession. The commercial media are greed-driven enterprises dominated by a dozen transnational companies. Newsroom staffs have been downsized. Much of what you see on national and local TV news is actually video news releases prepared by public-relations firms and given free to TV stations and networks. News directors air these PR puff pieces disguised as news stories because it's a free way to fill air time and allows them to lay off reporters. Of course, it's not just television that's the problem. Academics who study public relations report that half or more of what appears in newspapers and magazines is lifted verbatim from press releases generated by public-relations firms.
    Not only this, they've become dependent on PR firms for the stories they do write. All journalists know, if you want to investigate a corporation, you eventually have to talk with someone there. Unless you belong to the same country club as the top executives, you're going to pick up the phone and get the "vice-president of communications" - i.e., a public-relations flack. You need this person's help. This probably isn't the last story you'll do on this corporation. If you write a hard-hitting piece, no one at that corporation will ever speak to you again. What's that going to do to your ability to write about that industry? What's it going to do to your career?
    Some PR companies - such as Carma International and Video Monitoring Service - specialize in monitoring news stories and journalists. They can immediately evaluate all print, radio, and television coverage of a subject to determine which stories were favorable to corporate interests, who the reporters were, who their bosses are, and so on. The PR firms then rank reporters as favorable or unfavorable to their clients' interests, and cultivate relationships with cooperative reporters while punishing those whose reporting is critical. Certain PR firms will provide dossiers on reporters so that, between the time a reporter makes an initial phone call and the time a company's vice-president of communications calls back, the company will have found out the name of the reporter's supervisor, all about the reporter's family and background, and other pertinent information."--John Stauber

"The New York Times is for us what Pravda was for the Soviets....America is a country full of conspiracy, and yet when you mention the word on television the interviewer giggles, so that people will think only nuts who believe in abduction by aliens believe in conspiracies.  But don't they know they are being had?  They are being lied to every day."--Gore Vidal (Observer magazine 12 Aug 2001)

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about the answers."----Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow.

"Newspeak was the official language...The purpose was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits...but to make all other modes of thought impossible.  It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought should be literally unthinkable."--1984, George Orwell (Quoted by Martin Walker, Continuum Vol 5, no 5)

"News is what someone, somewhere is trying to suppress, the rest is just advertising" - Lord Northcliffe, British Press Baron

"So when I happened across information implicating an arm of the Central Intelligence Agency in the cocaine trade, I had no qualms about jumping onto it with both feet. What did I have to worry about? I was a newspaperman for a big city, take-no-prisoners newspaper. I had the First Amendment, a law firm, and a multi-million dollar corporation watching my back.
Besides, this story was a fucking outrage. Right-wing Latin American drug dealers were helping finance a CIA-run covert war in Nicaragua by selling tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods in LA, who were turning it into crack and spreading it through black neighborhoods nationwide. And all the available evidence pointed to the sickening conclusion that elements of the US government had known of it and had either tacitly encouraged it or, at a minimum, done absolutely nothing to stop it. And that's when this strange thing happened. The national news media, instead of using its brute strength to force the truth from our government, decided that its time would be better spent investigating me and my reporting. They kicked me around pretty good, I have to admit."--Pulitzer Prize Awarded Journalist Gary Webb

"We believe that elite journalists are able to roughly evaluate (largely unconsciously) which views are acceptable to the privileged circles from which they often come, in which they mix, and on which they depend. They understand which views can be safely expressed if they are to continue to be  viewed as ‘one of us’, as ‘on-side’........Prior to start up, we invited a friend of ours who works in the mainstream to join Media Lens. Despite his enthusiasm, he declined: “I would immediately be labelled ‘one of that lot’ and it would be the end of my career”, he told us.......Journalists, we believe, are terrified of stepping over this line – their arguments are shaped, not by reason or compassion, but by the fear that this line induces in them. This is why their arguments often border on craziness as they whitewash establishment crimes."--Media Lens

"Leaked minutes of one of the BBC's Weekly Review Board meetings showed BBC executives directing that the reporting of the war should be concerned 'primarily with government statements of policy' while impartiality was felt to be 'an unnecessary irritation'. " (John Pilger, Hidden Agendas, p. 492)
"Yes, the media is awful. Narrow, self-serving, lazy, manipulative, cynical, and terribly, terribly set in its ways. If you get papers coming out on the same day going back years and look at the content, you'll find that it's amazingly similar. The organisations with the best PR ( like Nato) are the ones who get their facts across most effectively, the stories that simply are not "suitable" for newspapers remain unsuitable. There is a very rigid formula that is followed by each paper, and things are made to look different over the years, but essentially aren't different. And the same people from the same backgrounds staff them over generations. There's barely a single member of the Guardian's senior editing staff who isn't Oxbridge educated. That's why it is never structurally radical. It is entirely of the establishment. And no one wants to bite too hard at the hand that feeds it. It's not that the Independent is so different to the rest, but at least it is the best of a bad bunch in these respects. Depressing though isn't it?[A well-known Independent columnist who would prefer to remain anonymous, via email, 7 August 2000] Ref:
"In his essay 'The Banality of Evil', the great American dissident Edward Herman described the division of labour among those who design and produce weapons like cluster bombs and daisy cutters and those who take the political decisions to use them and those who create the illusions that justify their use. 'It is the function of the experts, and the mainstream media,' he wrote, 'to normalise the unthinkable for the general public.' It is time journalists reflected upon this, and took the risk of telling the truth about an unconscionable threat to much of humanity that comes not from faraway places, but close to home." [John Pilger, 'The truths they never tell us' , New Statesman, November 26, 2001] Ref:
"It is well-known that Egypt had a multi-billion dollar debt forgiven for supporting the first Bush, while Yemen, refusing to go along on a Persian Gulf war vote, was told by a U.S. official that this would be "the most expensive 'no' vote you ever cast," followed shortly thereafter by its loss of a $70 million aid package. Currently, Pakistan has been given substantial payments for servicing the U.S. war, and Russia, Uzbekistan, and others as well are being paid off. The U.S. mainstream media, however, speak of the emergence of these coalitions as a wondrous upsurge of support from the world community based on moral solidarity, not fear of retaliation, threats, or bribery. That these coalitions represent and support extreme superbullying by the Great Powers is never hinted at--these are always moral ventures and just causes. That the publics in many of these countries are unsympathetic to the war, not having been bought or coerced as their elite leaderships, is rarely mentioned. In short, the U.S. media are an integral part of a beautifully working war machine, serving their state with at least as much bias and enthusiasm as Serb broadcasting served its state, before it was bombed out of existence by NATO for war service." [Edward Herman, ZNet Commentary, 'Coalitions Of The Willing, Coerced, And Bribed', December 24, 2001] Ref:
"If ever there was an example of ‘security' factors being used as a pretext for political vetting, it is at the BBC. When their security procedures were revealed in 1985, the corporation said that vetting was restricted to a relatively small number of people who had access to ‘sensitive information’. But in reality a large number of BBC employees – ranging from Graduate Trainees and journalists to arts producers and drama directors – were vetted by MI5 via the Personnel Department."----Blacklist The Inside Story of Political Vetting by Mark Hollingsworth and Richard Norton-Taylor
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be ... The People cannot be safe without information. When the press is free, and every man is able to read, all is safe." ---Thomas Jefferson

"Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent every year to control the public mind". Prof Naom Chomsky.

Cancer therapies:
There were several more questions about Laetrile, and then she said, "We want to take pictures of your patient files." I told her that this would be illegal, and that I would not even consider it. She said that unless she could see those files, she would not be convinced that any such files existed. I replied, "I couldn't care less whether you're convinced. You are not going to see my files." After she had left, I thought my reply should have been, "Well, I don't think you're wearing any underwear, and I won't be convinced unless you show me." I'm so glad I didn't think of that until after she was gone!    That night on the TV news, less than a minute or a minute and a half was given to this interview. She did most of the talking. Nothing was said about nutrition. Her final comment was, "Dr. Binzel says that he has had good results with his treatment, but he has no proof." I understand why so many people distrust the media."----ALIVE AND WELL by Philip E. Binzel, Jr., M.D.

"The ...Times ...headlined the Assistant US Attorney ...grand jury investigation of myself, six months before the grand jury was even selected. ...Soon after Bantam printed 200,000 copies of our book, ...Times bought the serial rights to it. ...After sitting on the serial rights for a suitable period, the ...Times ...unctuously begged Bantam to be released from their gentlemen's agreement, and the serial market had been destroyed. ...Most libraries will not accept a book that has not been reviewed by the ...Times or its affiliate..." - John Richardson, MD, Richardson Newsletter, 1979.

As a reporter for a major newspaper, I personally wanted to tell the stories of viable cancer treatment alternatives, but powerful editors killed the idea and steered me away. The one exception took place in 1966 at the small Santa Maria Times in California where I told the story of John Beard’s enzymes and other alternatives in a series on the front pages four days running.  That series, incidentally, caused the American Cancer Society to sponsor a meeting for doctors in that town, and they called the Times publisher on the carpet for allowing the series. The criticism of the series amounted to nothing of substance, because Beard’s work is substantial. The artfully arrogant criticism was—“Tom Valentine is a sports writer who thinks he’s a doctor.”  Wasn’t that scientific? Cancer Masons: A Cult of Death  by Tom Valentine

"So what do they do? They start writing articles in the New York Daily News. Boy, that's a paper that loves to write crap on people, isn't it? Wanna talk about a paper that supports fascism! Man, I've seen more doctors hatcheted in there. The butchery they did on Emmanuel Revici, the butchery they did on Lawrence Burton, calling him nothing more --- what was the quote the guy said?. . . "Burton is nothing more than a horse doctor." Denigrating him, tearing down his character."—Gary Null

"This item concerns payments made to U.S. Lawmakers by organizations interested in keeping the present fraudulent medical system going. I have reported that American special interest groups ‘showered a record 22.6 million on candidates in 1976 and that the top donors were the medical associations with $1,790,879."--Hans Ruesch, medical editor and historian, 1978 (Slaughter of the Innocent p418)

In the media frenzy around the publicity, there were many factual errors. The Daily Mail, to whom I gave an interview, fabricated quotes left, right and centre and in one particular quote, wrote the exact opposite of what I said. They hounded me for a family photo on the day of my mother in law's funeral. Not only was my story fabricated, but the other two women involved also had their stories altered in favour of how the Daily Mail thinks their stories should be! In Sophie's case, they stated (wrongly) that breastfeeding caused the break-up of her first marriage.  I also gave an exclusive interview to NOW magazine by email, but they too, sadly, managed to misquote and change the tone of what I said, despite it being written in black and white. Extend Breastfeeding's Benefits By Kyla Steinkraus

Whitaker exposes the massive lies and cover-ups that have corrupted the Food and Drug Administration's drug review process, and co-opted research trials in order to spin the results of drug tests and conceal the serious hazards and even deadly side-effects of brand-name drugs like Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil and Zyprexa.
hitaker starts by debunking the effectiveness of these massively hyped wonder drugs -- antidepressants like Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil, and the new atypical antipsychotic drugs like Zyprexa. His research shows how they often are barely more effective than placebos in treating mental disorder and depression, despite the glowing adulation they have received in the mainstream media. Psychiatric Drugs: An Assault on the Human Condition Street Spirit Interview with Robert Whitaker

"The medical and scientific establishments have (largely through the fact that they have sold out to the enormously wealthy and powerful international pharmaceutical industry) obtained more or less complete control over politicians and the media.....advertisements for my book Food for Thouqht are still banned by Britain's Advertising Standards Authority because the book contains advice on what sort of diet to eat in order to reduce the chance of developing cancer.
        Because we refused to accept the ban the ASA (which, quite bizarrely, will not accept scientific research papers or even government publications in evidence) has warned newspapers not to accept any of our advertisements. The ASA claims to exist to protect the public but I find it difficult to see how banning a book that contains a summary of proven clinical advice on how to avoid cancer can possibly protect the public. It seems to me that, wittingly or unwittingly, the ASA is simply protecting the cancer establishment. I find it difficult to avoid the observation that the cancer industry would undoubtedly find it much harder to raise money if the incidence of cancer were cut."---Dr Vernon Coleman

"Insurance companies are cost plus providers which, have no incentive to reduce costs. They act as "gatekeeper" and for their role in the monopoly will not pay for any treatment which comes from outside the cartel. This nation is coming to understand this horror is a result of complacency as well as collusion between government agency, pharmaceutical interests and institutional medicine and its powerful financial influence over nearly every facet of the worldwide bureaucracy and mass media. "--Pixley

 "Even the most independent newspapers are dependent on their press associations for their national news. And there is no reason for a news editor to suspect that a story cooking over the wires of the Associated Press, the United Press or the International News Service, is censored when it concerns health matters. Yet this is what happens constantly... The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the organ of the Medical Syndicate in the U.S., had bragged as far back as January 20, 1940, that the United Press had been induced to issue a directive requiring all articles on cures and human health to ‘be cleared’ through its New York bureau and ‘science editors.’"---Hans Ruesch, 1982 (Naked Empress p102)

"The public press of today is largely governed by the orthodox rulers in the medical profession."---Dr. Walter Hadwen

"I spent hours with the Daily Mirror discussing the articles they intended to include. Their interest was less to do with MMR itself and more about wrong footing the Mail and Sun, whom they categorise as anti-MMR and to support T Blair whom they perceive as pro-MMR."-- Harvey Marcovitch College press Adviser

We see in your writing just how far the mood in Britain has changed from the time that The Sunday Times journalists carried out their beautiful investigation into Thalidomide. The paper was then utterly on the side of the patients whose lives had been devastated by the birth of severely damaged children. Now, in this more cynical age nothing matters but the politics of industrial power. You, The Sunday Times, the Government and the GMC members evidently are all rooting for 'Big Pharma' and abusing the parents of vaccine damaged children by denying them. [2008 Oct] An Open Letter to Brian Deer Rebutting His Article 'Families duped by a sad smearmaster of MMR fabrication and hatred' by Martin J Walker MA

It seems that the media just doesn't "get it". By and large, they tow the "party line". Whatever that is. Right now, is "bash anything to do with vaccine alerts"  The reason that the media got on the Andrew Wakefield bandwaggon, was that at the time, he looked like "part of the party". And being part of the party, surely the issue had some validity. And great eye-catching, "caring" headlines, implying that "we the media, love our children". This looked to the media like "win/win journalism". Which means that the issue wins, and the media gets to look good, and sell lots of papers. The media hates "lose/lose" journalism. Which is why people like me know not to go to the media. And which is now why most are bagging Andrew Wakefield. He is "costing" them too much, in the eyes of the medical profession. Again, the "party" matters most. Hilary Butler letter to BMJ 2004

When I tried to see if I could get some balance into the debate, I brought these issues up with a member of the Herald staff.  (July 19th 1999.)  Pardon the language, but this is what was said:
    “Your only recourse is to write a letter to the editor, but to be frank, you are pushing shit up the hill with a stick.  People want to hear that vaccines will protect their children.  People do not want to hear that vaccines could do anything else.  And most people don’t give a damn about vaccines anyway.  I can write a piece about immunisation and get no response, but when I write one about homosexuality or the church I get inundated.  As for me, I am pro-vaccine, and for the greater good, and if the Health authorities asked me to roll up my sleeve and have all the childhood vaccines again I would.  We pay them to do a job, and they do.   And yes, we should have compulsory vaccination for children to get into schools.   It’s for the greater good.”
    The reality is that if we can’t even get high up members of the Herald Editorial staff to look at the issue factually, they are never going to publish anything meaningful, because it suits neither their beliefs not their purposes.  They are nothing but hand-maidens, and the medical lackeys they promote, know it. Vaccines and the Immune System by Hilary Butler

Unfortunately for some of us, the media used Wakefield to derail the real issue. To those who really know the A - Z of the issue, MMR is simply, for some children, the straw that breaks the two-humped camel's back. Other children don't need an MMR to get vaccine-provoked disintegrative disorders. The real issue is that vaccination in the first few months of neonate"hood", increases mercury levels in the blood of infants (1) Hilary Butler letter to BMJ 2004

The March 1999 "Vaccines" feature in Parenting magazine provided all propaganda one would expect from a subsidiary of Time, Inc. Time-Warner, Inc., the parent company, is a corporate member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Time's president, Richard D. Parsons, and the Editor-in-Chief of TIME, Norman Pearlstine, are longstanding CFR members. One CFR published policy objective is substantial worldwide depopulation including half of the current U.S. population being targeted. This population reduction program is largely funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Merck Fund, both financially and administratively linked to the Merck pharmaceutical company--the world's leading vaccine manufacturer. Parenting with Deadly Timely Propaganda --Dr. Len Horowitz

"Rather than recognizing and reporting on the failures to cure, prevent, or successfully treat a disease, HHS scientists will continue to deny that billions of taxpayer dollars and decades of medical research has yielded little or no progress in the understanding of chronic syndromes. Yet, they will publish documents that will mandate how future medical research should and should not be conducted. Scientific journals will publish these documents and imply that they are scientific in nature. Mainstream media, without asking any hard questions, will then distribute the information to the general population and label all who challenge the documents as "dissidents." ----Howard B. Urnovitz, Ph.D. (1/24/02)

"Then suddenly the deaths from Salk vaccine ceased to be reported. In a letter published in Defender Magazine, the writer stated: "I am informed by someone who works in a newspaper office that much of the bad news concerning the results of the Salk Program is being censored and deleted out of the news to keep people complacent and acquiescent.""--Eleanor McBean

"It seems to me that what is happening is that there is a systematic bias in the media which is controlled in part by vested interests in maintaining the status quo. In this light, the New Republic article seems to be a hit piece designed to keep the petty intelligentsia hooked into believing in the system."----Stan Lippmann

"So The New York Times review concisely presents the standard polio images: the predatory virus, paralytic horror, epidemics, salvation via the Salk vaccine, and a unique exception from Farr's Law."---Jim West

"Severe constraints are placed on the media in the name of "responsible journalism" with the result that the American public very seldom hears both sides of the vaccination story, and comes to have an unquestioning faith in vaccinations as our greatest hope against future imagined disease plagues. In this fear-based scenario, the questioning voice of reason is drowned out amid the hysteria surrounding the emerging "killer infections" which are such a favorite media topic.  This propagation of fear by the media and by its sources in the public health industry has resulted in a growth of power of this industry far beyond the usual checks and balances of our democracy."---Incao's Hepatitis B Vaccination Testimony

"The sales propaganda is so deceptive that most of the people believe it, and the medical and drug businesses have enough control over the news media to conceal or distort the reports of deaths and disasters from vaccines to keep the people in the dark as to the hazards of their popularized poisons."--E McBean

"Various New Zealand organisations have, over the last two years, committed major gaffes, about which the public knows little, because fortunately for them, the media covers medical myths with rose-scented disinformation."--Hilary Butler

"One of the most common emotional manipulations used by doctors on journalists is "How could what they say be true? Why would we say anything other than the truth? What have we got to gain by making kids sick? We got into medicine because we love children…" I love it. I simply lead journalists to the filing cabinets, the medical articles, the masses of information, and let the journalists judge for themselves the motives of such accusers. But when I say to journalists "You’ve seen all my hard data, now where is their evidence? Where is their hard fact? Where is their proof?" the situation changes. Such is the conditioning of journalists that they cannot confront the realisation that they have demanded total factual accountablility from me yet walked out satisfied that the letters after someone’s name guarantees authenticity of every word said. So they fall back on the fallacy of authority."--Hilary Butler

"No official broadcaster has ever been allowed to hint that there are the strongest possible intellectual reasons, and many of them, for rejecting every kind of preventive vaccination. The Radio, in peddling its garbled stories of Jenner, Pasteur and company to the schools, etc., always omits to mention that when the first scientific attacks on vaccinationists began, the antis were led by serious scientists all of whom had been brought up to believe in the sacred rite, but who, for one disinterested reason or another, had studied it closely, rejected it completely and had the courage to say so."--Lionel Dole

"And that’s why we have to be so certain that we vaccinate in our society."-- Dr. Tim Johnson (ABC News Medical Editor)

"Nightline on October 14th. The distortions and misrepresentations were of a very poor quality. Most were transparent or, at least translucent. Today, parents are becoming better informed on the risks involved in childhood vaccination. They are reading and researching medical literature and finding the truths themselves. This means that "the bar has been raised" and a production of Nightline’s caliber has an obligation to more effectively deceive and manipulate a more sophisticated audience. Here is a critique with some suggestions. Please take them to heart. The next time you do a story on vaccines, we look forward to seeing a sophisticated cover-up, not an amateur hatchet-shop like the one on October 14th."---Michael Horwin & Raphaele Horwin

"Interestingly, The New Yorker's pro-vaccine pieces both ran adjacent to health-related ad sections, each of which contained ads placed by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association (PhRMA, pronounced "pharma," the industry's leading trade association)."---Village Voice Oct 13 1999.

Mr. R. B. Gibbs, secretary of the Anti-Compulsory Vaccination League, referred to the origin of vaccination, as attested by Jenner, in the production of cowpox from the contagion of horsegrease, and subsequently to the use of horsepox, by which equination was substituted for vaccination; the diverse virus thus derived from Jenner continuing in official arm-to-arm currency to the present day.  What vaccination was had never been determined; and consequently there had been no proper basis for legislation.  Nor had legislation been preceded by impartial and adequate inquiry: it had been promoted by certain medical men, supported by the press, and especially by The Times, the editors of which jealously suppressed all communications which impugned the efficacy of the rite.  [1885] The Story of a Great Delusion by William White

Subjects kept from the public
"I said that was quite interesting. I asked the dean whether he had taken part in such rituals. He said yes, but declined to describe the ceremonies. He was essentially telling me that a secret society was the proper home for the paranormal. His attitude as I read it implied that the paranormal was THE PROPERTY of secret societies---and the great unwashed masses were barred from such knowledge. It was the first time I realized there might be more to the prejudice against paranormal research than meets the eye..."  For some people, so-called scientific opposition to allowing and funding paranormal research is merely a pose. These people are actually perverse mystics, and they want to protect their "monopoly" on the subject. They also want the kind of psychic control over others they think is possible through their ritualistic practices. THE PARANORMAL AND SECRET SOCIETIES ---JON RAPPOPORT

