The Bones of Contention
Contrary to the medical marketing hype, synthetic hormonal drugs, dairy products and most
calcium supplements actually weaken the bones and have other harmful effects on health
The cause of osteoporosis is primarily diet. With
all of the red meat and poultry, seafood, cheese and eggs, the rich American
diet is a very acidic diet. That acid has to be buffered when you eat it. So the
bones dissolve and then changes take place in the kidneys that cause the body to
urinate the bones through the kidney system out into the toilet. Sometimes bones
resolidify and they form calcium kidney stones.
Interview with John McDougall, M.D.
As I stated earlier, Native Americans developed osteoporosis when they
consumed more nuts and grains according to Dr. Stuart Strueyer. It seems that
Native Americans were not able to assimilate the starch in nuts and grains,
forming Advanced Glycation End-products (AGE's), that is, glycotoxins.
Pasteurized dairy is known to cause osteoporosis. In Medical Doctor William
Campbell Douglass' book "The Milk Book", he supplies many scientific reports
that show raw milk causes strong bones free of osteoporosis. Dr. Francis
Pottenger. M.D. demonstrated in his work with 900 cats over a decade that raw
dairy and raw meat built strong bones without the consumption of bone.
My experience with others has repeatedly confirmed that osteoporosis
reversed by eating raw meat and raw milk. According to Vilhjalmur Stefansson
in his book "Not By Bread Alone - Chapter 4: "The Laboratory Check," no
osteoporosis can he associated with eating an exclusively animal and water diet,
even when some meat was cooked. Interview with Aajonus Vonderplanitz