Vaccine-autism link studies quotes

"Nancy Hokkanen came up with one of the greatest analogies ever to describe the autism and vaccine controversy and how it feels to us parents of kids with autism. She compared it to the Catholic Church's cover up of decades of sexual abuse."-----Nancy Hokkanen and Kim Stagliano - on the Cover up of vaccine damage and Autism

"We have about 30,000 or 35,000 children that we've taken care of over the years, and I don't think we have a single case of autism in children delivered by us who never received vaccines.......Every doctor now essentially in this country has done something as heinous as the Nazis did, unknowingly."----Dr. Mayer Eisenstein

[pdf] Tripedia DTap vaccine  Adverse events reported during post-approval use of Tripedia vaccine include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, anaphylactic reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence and apnea

[2009 March] Autism March London 2009 A study from Cambridge University’s Autism Research Unit has revealed that 1 child in 60 in the UK is now autistic. Some calculate this to be ONE BOY in 38.  The Cambridge University study’s author Simon Baron-Cohen says the increase in autism is due to: “Better recognition” ----this is baloney. Baron-Cohen is also quoted as saying the rise in autism is due to “Changing diagnostic criteria”---this is more baloney.  Many of today’s autistic children cannot talk. What we are being told by Baron-Cohen is that prior to 1990, parents did not notice that their children could not talk, doctors did not notice, teachers did not notice. We need scientists with integrity, truly independent scientists. Not self-publicists.  Our children are being failed The vaccination programme is definitely, unequivocally, absolutely, deeply implicated in what has happened to thousands of British children and tens of thousands of children worldwide.

 Former UK Science Chief -- Vaccines Cause Autism: "What More Evidence is Needed?"  "I have always thought since I first heard about the Somali children that this really proves the causal role of vaccines. The Amish children who have no vaccines have no autistic-like disorders and the Somali children who are newly exposed to aggressive vaccine programmes have exceptionally high levels! What more evidence is needed?"

Does the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine cause autism? I vote yes. Of course, that’s just one man’s opinion – but one who’s spent the last three years listening to parents and enlightened pediatricians and combing through adverse events reports and just generally trying to think for himself.[Feb 2008] MMR AND THE SIMPLE TRUTH ABOUT AUTISM

"When I first heard there was a link between autism and vaccines I said that was silly. The more you delve into it, when you look at the basic science and research done on animals and also look at individual cases and the evidence that there is no link, what I come away with is the question has not been answered!"----Dr. Bernadine Healy, former head of the National Institute of Health, on the autism and vaccines controversy.

There is a pandemic of autism among children in the western world and it is spreading worldwide. Thousands upon thousands of children are being diagnosed as autistic every day in the U.S.A., the U.K., and increasingly in Australia. A few decades ago the incidence of autism affected only one child in a thousand but now it is more than one child in a hundred.  But the first most important question to be asked is, “Why has this pandemic occurred over the last four decades?” and the answer is simple yet infinitely complex. It has been caused by vaccinations of various kinds, but principally the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccine. [MMR]. This has been known to the pharmaceutical industry, the Western governments, and to the health and medical professions for decades but they have mounted one of the most slick and collusive denials and distractive tactics ever known.
The evidence that vaccines cause autism is now clear, and convincing and irrefutable. And possibly that there are links to other illnesses such as asthma, allergies, diabetes, Crohn’s Disease and probably a range of other illnesses which are on the increase, It has been admitted in Court Proceedings in America by government medical experts and the cat is finally out of the bag. [2008] The Silence of the Media Lambs! By Charles Pragnell

Thus, the real question is when are vaccine apologists going to cease raising questions that have been answered and start admitting that Thimerosal-containing vaccines have mercury poisoned and are continuing to mercury-poison our children and ourselves to the point that some children and some adults are sub-acutely mercury poisoned and exhibit those symptoms that are used to in the diagnosis of a wide variety of neurodevelopmental (e.g., the autistic disorder, pervasive developmental disorder– not otherwise specified [PDD-NOS], Asperger’s, attention deficit disorder [ADD] and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD]) and other disorders (asthma, diabetes, obesity, multiple sclerosis (MS), and food allergies) in our children, and, for those old enough to miss the prenatal and early childhood Thimerosal-poisoning, “dementias” (e.g., Alzheimer’s) in ourselves. Key realities about autism, vaccines, vaccine-injury compensation, Thimerosal, and autism-related research----Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D & P.G. King PhD

"The Federal Government recently conceded a real vaccine-autism lawsuit  in a real court and will soon pay a real (taxpayer-funded) settlement to a real American family and a very real child with autism......If I were the AAP, or ABC for that matter, I would feel downright silly stating that "no scientific link exists," so soon after the Journal of Child Neurology published a study titled, "Blood Levels of Mercury Are Related to Diagnosis of Autism: A Reanalysis of an Important Data Set." I would also worry about parental reaction to learning that researchers had done due diligence and reanalyzed data from a prior, hugely influential study that (erroneously) found zero connection between mercury levels and autism......
Another study, freshly out of Harvard, likewise shows a potential link between mercury and the autopsied brains of young people with autism. The American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology reports that a marker for oxidative stress was 68.9% higher in autistic brain issue than controls (a statistically significant result), while mercury levels were 68.2% higher. ....[Jan 2008] The Federal Government recently conceded a real vaccine-autism lawsuit in a real court

 The AAP leadership knows very well that vaccines cause autism. We need not waste anymore efforts in trying to educating them, we need to indict them. They may me morally bankrupt, but they are not stupid.  They have lied to legislators, they have lied to journalists, they have lied to Pediatricians, and worse of all, they have lied to you and your children.....One thing is abundantly clear, the don't give a damn about scientific truth and they don't give a damn about you or your children. I hope the autism community continues to move forward and expose all those involved who have put millions of children in harm's way. [2008] Dr Ayoub Speech at rally

I am no longer "trying to dig up evidence to prove" vaccines cause autism. There is already abundant evidence,...... This debate is not scientific but is political.  --- [July 9, 2006 Blog/letter] Discovering the causes, treatment of autism ----David Ayoub, MD

The evidence is now overwhelming, despite the misinformation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Institute of Medicine. The (Pretending to) Combat Autism Act  By Bernard Rimland

"I think that the biological case against Thimerosal is so dramatically overwhelming anymore that only a very foolish or a very dishonest person with the credentials to understand this research would say that Thimerosal wasn’t most likely the cause of autism."--- Interview of Dr. Boyd E. Haley by Teri Small:

 "In my view, this is not a scientific issue. This is about as proven an issue as you’re ever going to see, and what’s occurring here is a cover up under the guise of protecting the vaccine program. And I’m for the vaccine program. You keep covering it up and your not going to have a vaccine program," Geier


"Truth has to be repeated constantly, because Error also is being preached all the time, and not just by a few, but by the multitude.  In the Press and Encyclopaedias, in Schools and Universities, everywhere Error holds sway, feeling happy and comfortable in the knowledge of having Majority on its side."----Goethe

 The epidemic with autism really started during the late 1980s and early 1990s, and it seemed to coincide with the time that the vaccines for Hib (Hemophilus influenzae type b) and hepatitis B were added to the vaccine schedule--Hib around 1988, hepatitis B in 1991. The children had already had the DTP (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis) vaccine through the 1980s, and the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) was subsequently added; but we did not realize much of an upswing until the hepatitis B vaccine was added at birth. Balancing Biochemistry: An Interview with Stephanie Cave

‘He (Andy Wakefield) started voicing his concerns to the Department of Health in 1992, assuming they’d order urgent clinical research. He assumed public safety would be of paramount concern to health officials. ‘He thought they’d want to rule out any possibility that MMR could cause gut damage, particularly as worrying evidence was starting to emerge that the live mumps and measles viruses in the vaccine could interact to suppress the body’s natural immune response. But no one wanted to know. He met with a complete brick wall.’.....‘My husband has been persecuted by extremely powerful forces for asking questions that his research findings made it morally and ethically essential for him to ask,’.......... ‘I used to believe that this country was a bastion of academic integrity and intellectual freedom. So this whole sad process of attrition, isolation and vilification, on a very personal level, has sickened and disillusioned me. [Media Oct 2006 Wakefield] VILIFED by the MMR zealots

"The vaccine contains 125,000 nanomolar level of mercury if it has Thimerosal as a preservative. That’s a huge amount. And one nanomolar levels in the baby will prevent the macrophages from going through phagocytosis. In other words, they will lose their ability to eat viruses and bacteria that are in the blood that shouldn’t be there, and so Thimerosal suppresses the immune system. This is well known and has been well described in the literature for a long time; that mercury is an immune system suppressor and you see that these autistic children have a truckload of immune problems. So you would prevent that from occurring. That is documented research and I don’t know how the government can even ignore it, or the agencies of the government can ignore it. Interview of Dr. Boyd E. Haley by Teri Small:

"For the past few years much of my lab's work has focused on autism, including an evaluation of the possible contribution of thimerosal, the ethylmercury-containing vaccine preservative. .....Let me state unequivocally that there is strong scientific evidence linking thimerosal to autism." [Media Letter 3 July, 2006] Unequivocally, There is Strong Evidence Linking Thimerosal to Autism
[2007] The Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A: Current Issues, an authoritative journal featuring original toxicological research, has published, "A Case Series of Children with Apparent Mercury Toxic  Encephalopathies Manifesting with Clinical Symptoms of Regressive Autistic Disorders," by Geier and Geier (2007).
This new study leaves little doubt there is a direct causal link between mercury exposure from Thimerosal-preserved biological products (vaccines and Rho(D) products) and mercury poisoning diagnosed as an autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Some will have you believe that autism is some medical mystery that's always been around, one that we just have managed to get a handle on. So, show me the 30-year-olds with autism, the 40-year-olds with autism, and the 50-year-olds with autism. Guess what? They aren't there for the most part. The explosion in the number of children with autism is real, but most of the scientific community has ignored this. Let's face it: they have been encouraged to ignore it, and anyone getting close to the truth finds that they get their NIH research grants pulled. That's right…science is being manipulated, so that a big lie can stay alive, and those culpable can remain unaccountable. Throwing Children into Oncoming Traffic: The Truth about Autism by Kenneth Stoller, MD, FAAP with Anne McElroy Dachel

"Ayoub was asked why government agencies and the pharmaceutical industry, are working so hard to keep the truth about the mercury-autism link hidden. He says it is a long story, but the main reason is because if they admitted guilt, it would mean the government agencies, drug companies and medical organizations, “have taken part in the largest iatrogenic epidemic known to man.”
      The fallout over admission of causality would be unprecedented, Ayoub adds. The lost confidence in American medicine would likely cause people to turn to alternative methods of medicine, and a rise in deeper investigation might reveal the truth about other suppressions related to cancer therapy, hypertension Rx, or Atherosclerosis. [jan 2007] Thimerosal Definite Cause Of Autism By Evelyn Pringle

I was the first to announce the "autism epidemic", in 1995, and I pointed out in that article that excessive vaccines were a plausible cause of the epidemic.  As you know, an enormous amount of clinical laboratory research (as opposed to epidemiological research), has been accumulated since that time, supporting my position. (I did not know then that the vaccines contained mercury, although I had been collecting data since 1967 from the mothers of autistic children, on any dental work they may have had during their pregnancy.)  The evidence is now overwhelming, despite the misinformation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Institute of Medicine. The (Pretending to) Combat Autism Act  By Bernard Rimland

During these investigations, numerous scientists from around the globe have testified before the Committee, and have presented credible peer-reviewed research studies that indicated a direct link between the exposure of Mercury, a widely known neurotoxin, and the increasing incidences of autism.
    ....Recently, credible researchers from many of our Nation’s most highly regarded research universities have published studies noting the possible associations between Mercury and health defects.
    Dr. Richard Deth, Professor at the College of Pharmaceutical Studies at Northeastern University, was the lead researcher in a collaboration between Johns Hopkins University, Tufts University, the University of Nebraska, and Northeastern University on a groundbreaking study into the possible correlation between increases in environmental toxins such as thimerosal and incidences of autism. Dr. Deth will testify on the findings and future implications of his research.
    ....Another innovative study was conducted at Columbia University recently. Released in June of this year, the researchers exposed mice to Thimerosal in doses and timing, which corresponds to the current pediatric immunization schedule.
    ....The independent Columbia University study indicates that subjects with a specific genetic susceptibility toward autism are placed at a greater risk for neurodevelopmental diseases when administered Thimerosal-containing vaccines. Unfortunately, Dr. Mady Hornig, the lead researcher on this project, is unable to be with us this morning due to a personal emergency. In her place, Dr. Deth will present her oral testimony.
    ....As many of us already know, the incidences of autism have become increasingly prevalent in modern-day society. Once considered a rare disease, effecting roughly 1 in 10,000 children, autism now affects 1.5 Million of our Nation’s children, and this problem continues to escalate rapidly.
    ....According to a recent “Autism Alarm” released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and the American Academy of Pediatrics, currently 1 out of every 6 children are diagnosed with a developmental disorder and / or behavioral problem.
    ....Even more alarming, today 1 out of every 166 children in the United States is being diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. This major healthcare crisis is clearly reaching epidemic proportions, and will not just simply “go away.”  Opening Statement of Chairman Dan Burton 2004

Autism is a neurological disorder caused by dysfunctional metabolic control over methylation reactions, and thimerosal appears to be a precipitating causative factor in many cases. The methionione cycle and the trans-sulfuration pathway leading to cysteine and glutathione synthesis are abnormal in autism. Genetic polymorphisms, present in only a small subpopulation, represent risk factors for autism. As illustrated in Fig. 11, some of these genetic factors impair detoxification and clearance of heavy metals, including thimerosal, and also impair the capacity for methylation. Delayed clearance of thimerosal further impairs methylation, including both DNA methylation and dopamine-stimulated phospholipid methylation, adversely affecting growth factor-directed development and the capacity for attention, respectively. Autism can be treated, and some of the most effective treatments, such as methylcobalamin, act by improving methylation. This encouraging therapeutic development reinforces the conclusion that thimerosal does indeed cause autism, and it does this by interfering with methylcobalamin synthesis. This molecular understanding should lead to new and improved treatments for autism and should provide a scientifically sound basis for the removal of thimerosal from all vaccines. Testimony of Richard Deth, PhD; Bouve College of Health and Sciences; Dept. of Pharmaceutical Services; Northeastern University 2004

Let me tell you a little bit about Simpsonwood. The Simpsonwood Conference Center meeting happened in June of 2000. When the CDC had looked at the data (right after they said the mercury should come out), they decided to look further and see if maybe mercury was harmful. How's that for timing? They had a guy working for them from Belgium, who was just here for a couple of years, Thomas Verstraeten. They dumped the mercury issue in his lap and said, "Here, look at the numbers." As it turns out, he was probably a pretty honorable guy. I think he just wanted to do good science, and he was so far removed from American politics and pharmaceutical company politics that he could try. He was honest. He ran the numbers and his first run of the numbers was just shocking. They showed an elevated rate of autism of 7.62 for kids who received more than 25 micrograms at one month of age compared to kids who received none. He sent his findings out, and, not liking the numbers, they had him re-run them. So he re-stratified the kids and broke them down to various categories and groups and he managed to get the autism rate down to 2.48. Anything over 2.0 in a court of law is considered causation. Remember, he started with 7.62. He wrote an e-mail to his colleagues, a very famous e-mail called, "It Just Won't Go Away." I almost titled the book that, because the phrase comes up repeatedly.
    When you put the findings and the e-mails together, the situation comes into context, and it becomes very clear what they were saying, and that they were extremely concerned. An increased autism risk of 2.48 was clearly unacceptable, so they re-ran the numbers again, adding more kids in, and got the autism rate down to 1.69. Then they took the new figure and they had this meeting at Simpsonwood where they invited the FDA, the drug company people, the pediatrics people, and the government people, and they had a little powwow. They didn't invite anybody from the public, including SafeMinds. There was talk of inviting SafeMinds but, in the end, that group didn't get an invitation. At this meeting Verstraeten spent two days presenting his findings. There was a discussion and there was a transcriber there.
    I sometimes wonder if these people knew that they were being recorded, because when you read the minutes you just can't believe the atrocities: they're shocking. I'm sure they didn't think that the minutes would ever see the light of day. Thank God for the Freedom of Information Act; America is a great country. Thank God we have a media and thank God we have parents like the ones in SafeMinds who stayed on top of this. Otherwise we would never have gotten this information. I'm not even an investigative reporter. These people just dumped documents on me and I went through them. That was hard, but it wasn't as hard as what they did, and I really admire them. Conference Presentations: David Kirby

The medical literature is abound with studies on the deleterious effects of mercury on numerous enzymes, mitochondrial energy production, synaptic function, dendritic retraction, neurotubule dissolution and excitotoxicity, yet, he sees only a "theoretical risk" associated with an ever increasing addition of thimerosal-containing vaccines THE TRUTH BEHIND THE VACCINE COVER-UP By Russell Blaylock, M.D.

"Studies on the toxicity of mercury to mammalian neurons in culture demonstrate that low nanomolar levels can have lethal effects. Experiments using this system have also demonstrated, in agreement with published literature, that many antibiotics, other heavy metals and chemicals increase the toxicity of mercury and thimerosal (ethyl mercury). Additionally, in this same system the female hormone estrogen decreases thimerosal's toxic effects. In contrast, the male hormone testosterone greatly increases the toxicity. This may explain the 4 to 1 ratio of boys to girls that become autistic and the observation that boys represent the vast majority of the severe cases of autism. "---Boyd Haley, Ph.D. (Testimony Before the House Government Reform Committee)