Cot death (SIDS) and vaccination
[back] Cot death

"Scientific evidence shows that babies can have severe adverse reactions to vaccinations at critical intervals following their shots, and that vaccination is the more likely cause of cot death and shaken baby syndrome." VACCINATION AND THE DYNAMICS OF CRITICAL DAYS by Viera Scheibner, PhD

"I have never seen a SIDS death in a healthy breastfed baby, unvaccinated, who has slept on anything from here to Timbuctoo. Over the 19 years in IAS, we have never seen one."--Hilary Butler

Media stories
Quotes: Cot death & vaccination
Quotes: Deaths from vaccination
Quotes: Vitamin C & crib death
DPT package insert
Litigation deaths
Change in SIDS post-mortem policy
SIDS semantics

See: Dr Robert Reisinger Cot-death media stories  Shaken Baby Syndrome  Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy

See: Deaths & vaccination

See: Sally Clark

[2008] Rapid Responses to Does cot death still exist?