Rabies quotes

"Central nervous system diseases other than polio continue in the U.S. and throughout the world: acute flaccid paralysis, chronic fatigue syndrome, encephalitis, meningitis, muscular sclerosis, and rarely in humans, rabies."--Jim West http://www.geocities.com/harpub/pol_all.htm

"The injection of puree of diseased brain tissue into the brains of dogs was the method preferred by Louis Pasteur to establish virus causality with the CNS disease, rabies. A recent, definitive biography of Pasteur finds him to be a most important publicist for germ theory, a crucial publicist for rabies virus causality, and that his rabies experiments were biased and unsupported by independent studies. (Gerald L. Geison, The Private Science Of Louis Pasteur, Princeton University Press (1995))."---Jim West  http://www.geocities.com/harpub/overview.htm

"Neurological events have been reported following administration of rabies vaccine of human diploid cell origin. These have included 3 cases of neurologic illness resembling Guillain Barré syndrome and a few other subacute central and peripheral nervous system disorders."---Rabies Vaccine Inactivated (Diploid Cell Origin), Dried

"Similar observations were made about the hyena dog, which was in 1989 threatened with extinction. Scientists vaccinated individual animals to protect them against rabies but more than a dozen packs then died within a year – of rabies. This happened even in areas where rabies had never been seen before. When researchers tried using a non-infectious form of the pathogen (to prevent the deaths of the remaining animals) all members of seven packs of dogs disappeared. And yet the rabies vaccine is now compulsory in many parts of the world. Is it not possible that it is the vaccine which is keeping this disease alive?"---- Dr Vernon Coleman MB http://www.vernoncoleman.com/vaccines.htm