Medical control ploys
[back] Lies
Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus; "He who lies once is not to be
believed twice."
"(Vaccination), a Destroyer of the Honesty and Humanity of
Medicine, which is through it a deeply-degraded Profession."---Dr Garth Wilkinson (1883)
[Lying is the pillar of the state (e.g. Tony Blair and New Labour) and lying is the keystone of Allopathy, especially vaccination where they have been lying 24/7 for 200 years (today it is 'MMR is safe'. see: MMR deaths Vaccine autism, c.1870-80s 1, 2, 3 4,5,6,7, ignoring of proper smallpox care since the 1600s 1, for another 300 years of bleeding, mercury, alcohol etc 1). You should be wary of someone who lies, and proven liars should be avoided. Propaganda is mostly lying, and getting the liar to be trusted--hence the value of shills. It helps if the liar (usually termed expert) actually believes the lie, which is the case in most medical workers, for obvious reasons (a Rationalization) and 'You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be unplugged and many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, they will fight to protect it' (1, 2) and 'Those who have been brainwashed will usually passionately defend their manipulators' (1). Some lies are a bit cleverer, Lying with the Truth is a well tested favourite, Authority being the classic trotted out all the time recently with MMR. Lying with silence is the one that does the most damage, just ignore life saving knowledge (and suppress it, if needed 1, 2). For most people, medical people and parents, these are called 'False Information', or Rationalizations. Not forgetting that the CDC knowingly lies all the time (e.g. every year, as clockwork, with flu death stats), and at the top of the medical cartel they know (1,2,3). You should know vaccinators have their own definition of safe---safe means Benefits Outweigh the Risks. No kidding, see Dr Offit. That way he can sleep at night, in his coffin.]
NB: "Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus," or "false in one thing, false in everything". A Roman legal principle indicating that a witness who wilfully falsifies one matter is not credible on any matter. The underlying motive for attorneys to impeach opposing witnesses in court: the principle discredits the rest of their testimony if it is without corroboration.
[2009 oct] Fifth "swine flu" vaccine death in Sweden - vaccinations still go ahead as planned! The number of flat out lies are so many, it is hard to keep track of them all.
[2009 Oct] TEN MILLION LIES FROM THE CDC By Jon Rappoport
[2009 oct] LIARS IN THEIR OWN WEB By Jon Rappoport
[2009 Oct] Dr. Paul Offit, The
Autism Expert. Doesn't See Patients with Autism? By J.B. Handley
Not only is Ms. Pisani’s conflict hidden from the reader, but her actual
quote is a complete fabrication. Ms. Pisani has been advocating vaccines
for children for YEARS, everything in her quote is a lie -- she wasn’t
questioning the right thing to do when Offit’s book came along. A liar
with a conflict of interest -- how perfect!
....The lack of humanity, the lack of interest in recovering children,
is this guy really a doctor? It would be like the Marlboro man shitting
on a non-traditional treatment for lung cancer, because the treatment
uses natural substances to pull tobacco tar out of people’s lungs. It’s
horrible, repugnant, and so profoundly disrespectful of parents who ARE
seeing recovery through biomedical treatment, I really don’t have the
words to castigate Offit to the proper degree. In fact, it’s even worse
than that. Offit and his comrades are actually rooting AGAINST recovery
for our children, because if recovery from autism is actually possible
through biomedical intervention, then autism is environmentally caused.
And, if it’s environmentally caused, then the guy who will die known as
“Mr. Vaccine” is in very deep kimchi, and his tombstone may actually end
up reading, “Mr. Autism Epidemic Facilitator.”
.....Offit made up a conversation that never took place and blended
something I wrote on a public message board for an entirely different
reason to serve his own purpose......Our case wasn’t a slam-dunk. We’d
proven Offit had lied, that was easy.
[2009 may] Why were lying GPs allowed to
cover up our son's death? Not only did the GPs forge his son’s
medical notes, but in their attempts to cover up what had happened, they
also lied to an inquiry set up into Robbie’s death. ....For the story of
the boy who never grew up has exposed British doctors’ best-kept secret
- that they are under no legal obligation to tell the truth to a
patient’s family about the circumstances surrounding a death. Indeed, it
is not even clear whether doctors can be prosecuted for falsifying
patients’ records. ....What makes this story so alarming is that it
exposes just how impotent families are when faced with doctors
determined to cover up mistakes. ....Detective Chief Inspector Bob
Poole, brought in to review the case after intense lobbying by Will,
uncovered evidence of gross negligence, forgery and conspiracy to
pervert the course of justice by the GPs. ....Lord Justice Stuart-Smith
made the landmark ruling that doctors had no legal obligation to
truthfully explain the circumstances of a patient’s death to bereaved
.....Will appealed to the European Court of Human Rights, but it also
ruled that in Britain ‘doctors do not have to tell the truth or refrain
from deliberately falsifying medical records’ - implying that they can
falsify records without worry. Such a judgment seems incredible - yet
the fact is, unlike doctors throughout Europe, there is no duty of
candour for British doctors.
[2009 may] Health chief's cover-up of CDJ blood donor The father of the youngest victim of Britain's worst CJD outbreak has accused medical authorities of engaging in a seven-year conspiracy to hide the fact that his son had been a blood donor.
[2000 Letter] Did Michael Shermer Lie?: An Open Letter to Michael Shermer
20 vaccine lies of Peter Bowditch
[2009 Oct] Lie No. 1 : Pasteur is a Benefactor of Humanity by Sylvie Simon
Ten Lies About AIDS
by Etienne De Harven, M.D. and Jean-Claude
This book falsifies ten lies that are the pillars of the HIV/AIDS dogma.
These lies are that:
1 - AIDS is a new syndrome;
2 - The existence of HIV has been appropriately demonstrated;
3 - HIV is actually the cause of AIDS;
4 - Antiretroviral medications are helpful for AIDS sufferers;
5 - Seropositivity indicates an active process of HIV infection;
6 - AIDS is a contagious pathological process;
7 - HIV is responsible for numerous illnesses;
8 - It is better for people to know their serological HIV status;
9 - There is indeed an AIDS pandemic affecting the general population;
10 - All medical researchers agree, indisputably, that HIV is the cause of AIDS.
Feeding the Hungry Lie,
Italian Style By J.B. Handley
[2009 Jan] Tayloe, Offit, Minshew, Katz, Snyderman, et. al.: Feeding a Hungry Lie By J.B. Handley
[2008 Oct] Whooping cough lies, ad infinitum by Hilary Butler
[April 2008] Lies Exposed At The UK MMR Vaccine Trial Court By Jane Bryant
Len Horowitz's latest
[Oct 2007] When 1 in 150 is really 1 in 67 By Raymond W. Gallup & F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP
Mercury Amalgam Fillings: Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
Lt.-Col. Donegan in defense of Dr Hadwen 1925
[PROVE Feb 2007] Action to Correct Misleading HPV Infection Numbers!
[Laetrile] See How They Lie by Dean Burk
BMJ. May 2005] False Government Rubella Scare
Stories - Only 20,000 Percent Overstated---C.
[Letter BMJ
May 2005] False Government Mumps Scare Stories--Clifford
G. Miller,
UK gov stats totally unreliable, as the
lack of response from the CMO implies:
[Letter BMJ
Feb 2005. Donegan MD. Measles deaths & Autism diagnosis]
[Letter BMJ 2005] How accurate are the statistics anyway?
The Flu Scare Game by John Keller
Lying Is Good Government': Blair`s New WMD Inquiry Chief
[Media May 2002] MMR deaths awarded by VDPU but denied by UK government
[Hepatitis] The CDC and The New Math, where 1 + 1 does not equal 2
Medical Officer of Health Gives False Statistics
Quackwatch vaccine information (vaccine deaths)
Falsified death certificates and medical records by Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D.
Court bullies put pressure on experts to lie, says scientist
Jacob: a case of diptheria?or a convenient medico-political pawn? By Hilary Butler
[2007] The FDA Fable - Continuing To Lie On The Aspartame Cancer Issue!!!
Medical Intervention Myth By Hilary Butler
The Times graph on Foot and Mouth disease
Hepatitis B---the CDC's missing zero
Much of the evidence adduced for (smallpox) vaccination is worthless--Alfred Wallace (1898)
George Bernard Shaw on statistics
Vaccine hurts 1 child in 15,000, or 100,000, or 300,000,
or....(Fresno Bee, DPT report 1984)
Encephalitis risk from measles (statistics)
MMR figures of meningitis (Japan 1993)
ABC Reporter Apologizes For Organic Foods Report