
 "I highly recommend this vaccine website for its  educational value."-----Alan Cantwell, Jr., M.D.
"I would challenge any colleague, clinician or research scientist to claim that we have a basic understanding of the human newborn immune system."---Testimony of Dr Dunbar

This is mainly an anti-vaccine website.  Vaccination is the longest running hoax perpetrated by Allopathy, the most pernicious, and the most dangerous thing that your children will ever face. 

When you think about it (only thinkers will be reading this), this is the belief you are given, without you being much aware of it, when you go out and vaccinate your kids: "If you don't vaccinate with our safe vaccine, and your child dies from one of the dangerous vaccine-preventable diseases then you will have to live with the guilt for the rest of your life, and we will keep reminding you how irresponsible you were."  And vaccination, you believe, will insure you against any future guilt.  You don't want to look into the vaccine dangers as you think they protect from dangerous diseases and the risk benefit ratio is worth it.  So don't worry yourself unnecessarily, just do as you are told, trust Authority.

Read Why Vaccination Continues to see why it is so important to our medical monopoly.  It started and is built upon The Smallpox Hoax, where smallpox vaccination actually killed millions, not saved millions as they claim (the bigger the lie etc).  Investigating that should put anyone off the rest, but they, and vaccination theory, can be taken apart in bits below, or in one article which is worth printing out: THE VACCINATION HOAX. A simple short article by Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD is one of the best. There are over 50 anti-vaccine books you can read, or the latest which is excellent by Neil Miller: [2008] Vaccine Safety Manual (and he leaves out disease theory and the The Vitamin C Conspiracy), along with all the Articles.  Bear in mind that it is way way worse than you could possibly imagine.

1. In brief: You can see the webmaster's opinions after collecting and reviewing the material on this website for over 14 years:

2. These points are expanded in the article: THE VACCINATION HOAX

Also, to help overcome the medical brainwashing and pressure to vaccinate:

3.  Join Vaccination e mail list (800 members) for support and information, and the online vaccine dangers class is recommended: [Online by email] Vaccine Dangers CLASSES  if you have time.

or ask on this forum (be aware that pharma trolls are there also):  JABS

Some more things to do in time:

4. Read these articles first:
The Medical Time Bomb of Immunisation Against Disease by Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD
[2008] Key realities about autism, vaccines, vaccine-injury compensation, Thimerosal, and autism-related research----Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D & P.G. King PhD.
Principles of Vaccination by Sylvie Simon
Does systematic Vaccination give health to people?------Anita Petek-Dimmer

5.  Consult a health professional who doesn't believe in vaccination to obtain a true second opinion.  This can be a Homeopath, Naturopath, Natural Hygienist, Herbalist, Chiropractor, and even some medical doctors.  A list of UK naturopath Practitioners ("MRN"---4 years full time training)

Uninformed Consent:  What doctors see---Package Inserts and what parents see-- Parent "Information" Leaflets

"As well consult a butcher on the value of vegetarianism as a doctor on the worth of vaccination." ---George Bernard Shaw

"Well, he would, wouldn't he?"---Mandy Rice-Davies

6.  Study the disease and health beliefs of natural hygiene (which is, essentially, pure naturopathy).  An article that addresses this is Chicken Pox by Gary Krasner.  More can be found here: disease theory.  Also the beliefs of homeopathy.  Different beliefs and therapies regarding  Measles.

7Become a member of pro-choice vaccination groups such as The Informed Parent (UK), National Vaccine Information Centre(USA) and the Australian Vaccination Network.  More can be obtained here

8.  Read as many books as possible.   The vaccination video is an excellent start: Vaccination: The Hidden Truth.    One excellent book on line here: Universal Immunization: Medical Miracle or Masterful Mirage by Raymond Obomsawin MD

9.  One of the main drivers for the belief in the efficacy of vaccines is the belief that vaccination rid the world of smallpox & polio.  A second opinion on that belief can be obtained here on smallpox and here on polio

10. Read as many vaccine Articles, Testimonies and Interviews as possible, or in brief the quotes.  Articles by Medical Doctors.

Six Reasons to Question Vaccinations & Ten Reasons to Just Say 'No' to Vaccinations---Walene James

11.  If your child is damaged by a vaccine you are on your own.  Around 1 in 4 claims achieve compensation in the USA, 1 in 100 in the UK, which is derisory.  Read  parent testimonials by  Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-Founder & President  National Vaccine Information Center & Meryl W. Dorey, President of the Australian Vaccination network and more here.

12.  To see how the Media sells vaccines see Letter to Nightline by Michael Horwin & Raphaele Horwin.  To see how governments sell vaccines start here or read Michael Belkin

13.  Have a look at the vaccine ingredients, especially mercury,   Neomycin, the various vaccine contaminants, and the vaccine package inserts

14.  If you follow the above advice you should be fully informed about the dangers of vaccination--this is real informed consent.   Compare this with the information on the UK government leaflet eg: concerning DPT vaccine----they say there is no evidence to show it causes brain damage, even though they have paid out for 900 children severly brain damaged by that vaccine, as H Wain points out.  We call this information control.

[Media] scientists don’t know how vaccines work

Parents Not Receiving Full Information on Vaccines

"Probably 20% of American children—one youngster in five--- suffers from "development disability". This is a stupefying figure….We have inflicted it on ourselves…… "development disabilities" are nearly always generated by encephalitis. And the primary cause of encephalitis in the USA and other industrialised countries is the childhood vaccination program. To be specific, a large proportion of the millions of US children and adults suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and other shoots or branches of the hydraheaded entity called "development disabilities", owe their disorders to one or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases."—Harris Coulter.

"I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it would oblige them to admit the falsity of conlusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives."--Leo Tolstoy

"Either you think - or else others have to think for you and take power from you."  - F. Scott Fitzgerald

"All great truths begin as blasphemies."--George Bernard Shaw.

"With most people unbelief in one thing is founded on blind belief in another."--Lichtenberg

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"Let no one who has the slightest desire to live in peace and quietness be tempted, under any circumstances, to enter upon the chivalrous task of trying to correct a popular error."---(William Thoms, deputy librarian for the House of Lords, c. 1873)

Disclaimer:  All information posted on this web site is the opinion of the author and is provided for educational purposes only. It is not to be construed as medical or legal advice. Only a licensed medical doctor can legally offer medical advice in the USA.