MMR vaccine failures
[back] MMR vaccines 
[back] Vaccine Failures

[It is not generally know but over 50% of measles/mumps/rubella cases have been vaccinated.]

"Take the 1991 measles epidemic. They calculated that this epidemic costs the country 8 million dollars to treat the 9,000 plus cases. I'm not sure about that figure, but the FACT that over 60% of those children were appropriately vaccinated was never taken into consideration in that calculation."--Hilary Butler

[2009] A prolonged mumps outbreak among highly vaccinated Aboriginal people in the Kimberley region of Western Australia

Measles: vaccine isn't always enough (Finland 1999)
Measles outbreak puts focus on vaccine (Alaska 1998)
Mumps outbreak in highly vaccinated school

Resurgence of mumps in Singapore associated with Rubini vaccine

Journal articles of measles vaccine failure (MMR)

"Study after study has demonstrated that many women immunized against rubella as children lack evidence of immunity in blood tests given during their adolescent years. Other tests have shown a high vaccine failure rate in children given rubella, measles, and mumps shots, either separately or in combined form."---Dr Mendelsohn

Rubella Vaccination: a failure by Michael Nightingale

[2007] measles outbreak experience I also managed to find out which 2 children had caught Measles. And guess what? Yes, both children who had caught measles had been immunised with the combined MMR at 13 months. Did the health workers inform the 2 mothers who contacted me of this fact? No. But it didn't stop them using these cases to frighten the mothers into allowing their children to be immunised with the combined MMR. Utterly disgraceful. And they called themselves "professionals".