'measles more to be dreaded than smallpox'.

[This is lying with the truth as measles was feared as much as smallpox, but they left out the fact that Allopathy has made these diseases to be dreaded purely by ignoring sanitation, using poisons as medicines, and by spreading diseases and death with vaccination.]

"Provided no mischief be done either by physician or nurse, it (smallpox) is the most safe and slight of all diseases".---- (Dr. Thomas Sydenham, 1688).]

See: Dangers of smallpox Case mortalityHype Disease risk  Early allopathic therapies
Offit measles deaths lie

1. Not everyone recognizes measles as the serious disease it really is, possibly because it used to be a routine part of everyone's childhood, and also because we don't see it nearly as much as we used to. But measles can be deadly. The 10th Century Persian physician Rhazes considered measles "more to be dreaded than smallpox." Measles still kills about a million people a year around the world. Measles can also make a pregnant woman have a miscarriage or give birth prematurely......It can lead to ear infection, pneumonia, seizures (jerking and staring), brain damage, and death   AAP