Lichen planus and vaccination
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"However, mercury induces antinuclear antibodies, scleroderma like disease, lichen planus, or membranous nephropathy in some individuals. Laboratory investigations have confirmed that the administration of gold or mercury to experimental animals leads to autoimmune disease quite similar to that observed in human subjects exposed to these metals."--Bigazzi PE. Metals and Kidney Autoimmunity.Environ Health Perspect. 1999 Oct;107(Suppl 5):753-765
Aubin F, et al. Lichen planus following hepatitis B vaccination. Arch Dermatol. 1994 Oct;130(10):1329-30. No abstract available.PMID: 7944523; UI: 9503120
Trevisan G, et al. Lichen ruber planus following HBV vaccination. Acta Derm Venereol. 1993 Feb;73(1):73. No abstract available.PMID: 8095762; UI: 93198474.
Rebora A, et al. Lichen planus as a side effect of HBV vaccination. Dermatology. 1999;198(1):1-2. Review. No abstract available.PMID: 10200042; UI: 9920965
Schupp P, et al. Lichen planus following hepatitis B vaccination. Int J Dermatol. 1999 Oct;38(10):799-800. No abstract available.PMID: 10561062; UI: 20023718.
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