Kris Gaublomme MD
International Vaccination Newsletter
Krekenstraat 4, B-3600 Genk, Belgium. Tel/fax: 0032 11 26 2575 

[Kris Gaublomme is a Belgian medical doctor and homeopath. Orthodox trained, Dr Gaublomme began researching vaccination after qualifying as a homeopath in 1985 and has continued to study the subject with growing concern. Editor of the International Vaccination Newsletter from 1993 to 1998, editor of a Dutch vaccination newsletter since 1990, and also an invited speaker at many international vaccination lectures, his knowledge on this subject is broad and thought-provoking. In April last year, Dr Gaublomme was invited to make a presentation at a one-day European Parliament conference in which he focused on autoimimune diseases linked to vaccination. (Source )]

"I always said that private interests were hidden behind official vaccination policy making. I was wrong. It is not hidden, it happens in the open. The powers concerned do not even feel the need to be secret about it. They feel so almighty they can publicise their malicious intentions in ‘official’ reports without any significant opposition to it. The vaccination lobby shamelessly takes all the children of this world as hostages to still their greed for money and power. They relentlessly abuse our compassion for the weaker and our concern about health to promote their giga-business. No matter what. No matter how many more vaccine victims will suffer death or side-effects. No matter how many financial resources this strategy devours at the expense of essential social investments like housing and employment. No matter what. Shocking!"---Kris Gaublomme MD

"It is a pretty bad habit of vaccine researchers to give several vaccines simultaneously where the effect of only one of them has to be studied and evaluated. Obviously this leads to confounding results..........for evaluation of side-effects in most studies was restricted to 48 to 72 hours. Needless to say that many serious adverse effects show up long after that time span; by definition they could never be mentioned in those studies. Nevertheless most of these studies pretend to prove the safety of the vaccine."--Kris Gaublomme MD

The Children’s Vaccine Initiative:  An open window upon global vaccination strategies----Kris Gaublomme, MD

TETANUS TOXOID VACCINATION An overview by Dr. Kris Gaublomme

Polio: the roots of the story---Kris Gaublomme, MD

Flu vaccine--Dr K. Gaublomme MD

Acellular pertussis---Dr. K. Gaublomme

Hepatitis-B vaccination in newborns Kris Gaublomme, MD

