Hepatits B vaccines and diseases
Hepatitis vaccination

News: Hepatitis B Vaccination Should Be Avoided in Patients With Risk of CNS Disease

Hep B vaccine injury http://home.earthlink.net/~hepbinjured/
Tourette's Syndrome/Hep.B vacc
Another Hep.B reaction--fanconi's anemia
HepB reaction---transverse myelitis
Postvaccinal Encephalomyelitis http://www.ffitz.com/niin/case.htm
Hepatitis B reaction---aneurysm, near death, cortical blindness, severe reflux, spasticity and all the related complications

"I know one more case  of serious problems after hepatitis B vaccination   described in internet by doctors. It's unfortunately, in Polish, ...... (they described the case as postvaccination chronic meningitis, but they were very confused that such symptoms occured after hepatitis B vaccination). The address is: http://www.pharmanet.com.pl/Services/ciekawe/przypadek14.htm---Andrzej Kasperowicz, MSc

Hepatitis B vaccines - musculoskeletal reactions----Australian adverse drug reactions bulletin

Jacob SMITH [Hepatitis B,polio,DPT--autism]
Ben CONVERSE [Hepatitis B--autism, seizure disorder]

[March 2006 VRAN] Aftermath of Hepatitis B Shots By Lucia Morgan

Lindsay KIRSCHNER [Hepatitis B--headaches, seizures, hair loss, extreme fatigue, dysautonomia]

Sharon, Val, Margaret, Lorraine, Gloria, Andrea, Colin [Hepatitis B--CFS/ME, arthritis, neurological problems, bladder problems]

Jennifer [Hepatitis B--CFS]

Dr Hyde on hepatitis vaccine and CFS (Canada)
THE GLASS CAGE by Dr. Clare Fleming

Martha BECKER 12 [Hepatitis B--Fatigue, body aches, depression, stomach aches, headaches]
Barbara BECKER 16 [Hepatitis B--Fatigue, body aches, depression, stomach aches, headaches]

Delage G, Salit I, Pennie R, Alary M, Duval B. Report of the Working group on the possible relationship between hepatitis B vaccination and chronic fatigue syndrome. Canadian Medical Association Journal 1993; 149: 314-316

Childhood epileptic seizures and cerebral palsy induced by hepatitis B vaccines: Case report


Sharon, Val, Margaret, Lorraine, Gloria, Andrea, Colin [Hepatitis B--CFS/ME, arthritis, neurological problems, bladder problems]

Kathryn GRUEBER 7 [Hepatitis B--rare arthritis]

Tim DITTMAN [Hepatitis B vaccine--Crohn's disease & arthritis]
Hepatitis B Immunization Linked to Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases


Nicholas [Hepatitis B--death/SIDS]
Abigail NELSON [Hepatitis B--death/SIDS]Jacob SMITH [Hepatitis B,polio,DPT--autism]
Lyla Rose BELKIN [Hepatitis B--death/SIDS]

Ian's Reaction to the Hepatitis B Vaccine  This site is dedicated to giving voice to our son Ian Larsen Gromowski.  Our child died of an adverse reaction to the hepatitis B vaccine.  Our hope is that Ian's story will inspire you to learn the benefits and the risks of vaccines, so that your decisions are informed and best suited for your child.

[2009 Feb] How Important is Hepatitis B Vaccination at Birth? By Deanna Gromowski Ian was given his Hepatitis B vaccination on July 1st, 2007 even though he was fighting off the meconium, even though he had a fever ABOVE 100 degrees on June 30th, and even though he had a fever above 100 degrees the day of July 1st they STILL VACCINATED HIM...... Within 12 hours of his vaccination he had the rash, within 24 hours the severe thrombocytopenia set in, and then he was in a fatal state from then on.  NO DOCTORS, NURSES, STAFF would even consider the vaccination as the source. 

MS: [See]

Dr Marc Girard M.D.

Package insert (Hep B)

[2009 Feb pdf] KARI HAWKINS Entitlement; hep B vaccine; onset one month or 75 days; ADEM or Marburg MS

[Web media Sept. 13, 2004] Hepatitis B Vaccination Increases Multiple Sclerosis Risk

[Media 3 May 2001] "British Firm to Compensate Two French Multiple Sclerosis Victims"
Sharyn BOYNTON [Hepatitis B--fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, possible MS]
Betty FLUCK [Hepatitis B-- Chronic inflammatory Demylenating Polyneuropathy (CIDP), Immune disorders, MS]
Hep B vaccine info---Dr Bonnie Dunbar 11/29/98)
Newsreport linking vaccine to MS  


Alaskans Fear Hepatitis Vaccine & AIDS Connection http://www.sonic.net/~doretk/ArchiveARCHIVE/Aids/4.%20Alaskans%20Fear%20Vaccine.html

Dr Alan Cantwell. Lecture series http://gaytoday.badpuppy.com/hiv-aids.htm

"There is no question that HIV was introduced into the U.S. male homosexual population via the gay hepatitis B vaccine experiment that took place between 1978 and 1981. My research clearly supports the outbreak of AIDS cases in Los Angeles and San Francisco shortly after the experiment began in those cities. Not surprisingly, the government has refused to release data on the number of AIDS deaths that have occurred in the large group of gay men who initially volunteered for the vaccine experiment." ---Dr Alan Cantwell

Book: Aids and The Doctors of Death by Cantwell, M.D.
Book: Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola, Nature, Accident or Intentional? By Leonard Horowitz
Tetrahedron (Dr Horowitz) http://www.tetrahedron.org/

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