Brian Deer
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[Brain Deer is the main media man attacking Dr Wakefield, via Times group, the main organ of the Elite (quickest way to rot your brain is to read The Times), and the man who instigated the GMC case, yet isn't even going to give evidence!
      He built up some pseudo-credibility as a medical 'investigative' journalist ("the only journalist in Britain that polices the drug companies" !!, yet here he is helping the cover up for a drug company product causing absolute devastation) by taking apart drugs such as Bactrim, but this just brings to mind Dr Mendelsohn's rule:
"You never hear about the dangers of a drug unless another drug to replace it is available."  He gave a hint as to his bent by claiming DPT never caused any cases of brain damage (!), even though the UK gov has paid out for 900 such cases and the USA National Vaccine Injury Compensation Programme has paid out millions for DPT damage.  Media people never attack vaccination unless they want to find another career. This was the last real media vaccine investigation, into DPT: [1984] Fresno Bee DPT report. He should read it.   The photos tell the story--then look at Dr Wakefield's.]

See: Wakefield GMC Hearing 2007   Smearing of Dr Wakefield  MMR/MR  Vaccine autism quotes


[2009 July] Sunday Times Ordered ‘Remove Wakefield MMR “Data Fixing” Story’

[2009 May FILM] Selective Hearing: Brian Deer and the GMC.

[Cryshame] On the 13th March 2009 Dr Andrew Wakefield filed a formal complaint to the UK Press Complaints Commission alleging that a freelance reporter (Mr. Brian Deer)  made false accusations of scientific fraud against Dr Wakefield in articles published in the UK Sunday Times.
    Dr Wakefield further alleges in this addendum that Mr. Deer failed to disclose in the Sunday Times conflicts of interest with respect to his role in the GMC investigation. He also alleges that Mr. Deer continues to mislead the public by denying his role in the GMC proceedings against Dr Wakefield and his colleagues.
   Correspondence between the GMC and Mr Deer can be found here.
  See also: A Character Assassin Caught in the Act (by Dan Olmstead and Mark Blaxill); and Brian Deer:Conflicted "Journalist", Industry Toady or Modern Day Madame DeFarge (by Jim Moody)

[2009 March] Andrew Wakefield’s Complaint Against the Sunday Times – The Times of London Retreats by John Stone  James Murdoch, was appointed to the board of MMR defendants GlaxoSmithKline

[2009 March] Andrew Wakefield’s Complaint Against the Sunday Times – The Times of London Retreats

[2009 March] Brian Deer: Conflicted “Journalist", Industry Toady or Modern-Day Madame Defarge??

[2009 march 21] A Character Assassin Caught in the Act By Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill

Sunday Times’ Boss, Glaxo, & US MMR Vaccine Court Cases

Sunday Times Journalist In Cedillo Vaccine Case Controversy

[2009 Feb] In his desperation, Deer gets it wrong once again By Dr Andrew Wakefield

Sunday Times’ London Editor Must Quit Over False “Wakefield MMR Data Fixing” Story

[2009 Feb] A deer in the headlights By Melanie Phillips

Sunday Times Journalist Instigated GMC Case Against Dr Andrew Wakefield
Sunday Times' Journalist Made Up Wakefield MMR Data Fixing Allegation

[Stop Press 9/Feb/09 -Wakefield Responds to Sunday Times' False Allegations]

Sunday Times - Sinks To New Low With Yet More MMR Junk Journalism

[The GMC Thursday 15th, Friday 16th, Monday 19th January.] The Worm in the Bread by Martin J Walker

[2009 Jan] Secret British MMR Vaccine Files Forced Open By Legal Action

[2008 Oct] An Open Letter to Brian Deer Rebutting His Article 'Families duped by a sad smearmaster of MMR fabrication and hatred' by Martin J Walker MA

[Aug 2008] An Interest in Conflict? by Martin Walker MA

Brian Deer's Allegations against Dr Andrew Wakefield: A Rebuttal


[April 2008] Lies Exposed At The UK MMR Vaccine Trial Court By Jane Bryant

[April 2008] The Defence Opens to a Prosecution Continuing Downhill by Martin Walker MA

[March 2008] The Complainant Brian Deer, the ABPI, Medico Legal Investigations and Dr Andrew Wakefield by Martin Walker MA for CryShame

[Times June 2006] Focus: How a spurious health scare brought an old killer back ---Brian Deer

[Media Noc 2004] MMR scare doctor planned rival vaccine---Brian Deer

Brian remains isolated, a social pariah, who will undoubtedly be cast aside like a used condom when his benefit to the Department of Health and ABPI comes to an end."--- [April 2008] The Defence Opens to a Prosecution Continuing Downhill by Martin Walker MA

The person who commissioned Deer was Paul Nuki, Sunday Times' sometime Head of Newsroom investigations and "Focus" editor. Paul Nuki is son of Professor George Nuki. Professor George Nuki in 1987 sat on the Committee on Safety of Medicines when the CSM was considering Glaxo company Smith Kline & French Laboratories' Pluserix MMR vaccine for safety approval. ......sitting on the CSM with Professor George Nuki was Professor Sir Roy Meadow and Professor Sir David Hull  [April 2008] MMR/AUTISM & THE TAMING OF THE BRITISH MEDIA--Clifford Miller

It does appear highly coincidental, that Brian Deer, well know for his previous support for GlaxoSmithKline's vaccine programme found a commissioning editor in a man whose father  was connected to various vaccine companies and had sat on the very committee that mistakenly passed the Pluserix MMR vaccination for safety. [2008 Oct] An Open Letter to Brian Deer Rebutting His Article 'Families duped by a sad smearmaster of MMR fabrication and hatred' by Martin J Walker MA

We see in your writing just how far the mood in Britain has changed from the time that The Sunday Times journalists carried out their beautiful investigation into Thalidomide. The paper was then utterly on the side of the patients whose lives had been devastated by the birth of severely damaged children. Now, in this more cynical age nothing matters but the politics of industrial power. You, The Sunday Times, the Government and the GMC members evidently are all rooting for 'Big Pharma' and abusing the parents of vaccine damaged children by denying them. [2008 Oct] An Open Letter to Brian Deer Rebutting His Article 'Families duped by a sad smearmaster of MMR fabrication and hatred' by Martin J Walker MA

Your assertion that a small rump of dissatisfied parents and people without any connection to MMR, have 'hurt' parents of children with autism, with lies about the cause of autism, is classic propaganda. It really is time, Brian, that you put up or shut up, certainly the latter; where are these parents so grievously injured by our claim that vaccine damage is being denied by the government and the pharmaceutical companies? Where are the parents who have been injured by our claim that a sub set of children vaccinated between 1992 and 1998, developed IBD and then in some cases, regressive autism? Why do you keep calling in vain on these people with autistic children whom you claim have been terribly hurt by the exposure to cases of children damaged by MMR?
    The parents of those vaccine damaged children, who saw a relationship between their MMR vaccination and inflammatory bowel disease, presented with either serious constipation or incessant diarrhea and who then, having previously developed well, began to regress, losing speech and socialisation and experiencing terrible pain, would like you to stop saying that they have been misled or that they are being duped or damaged by the cause of Dr Wakefield and Cry Shame. In essence you are accusing these parents at best of misjudging their children's illnesses, which is as good as accusing them of being poor parents, or at worst you are accusing them of lying. Please believe me when I tell you that these parents utterly despise you and far from wanting the closure that you speak of they are determined to fight the government and the pharmaceutical industry in defence of their damaged children.
[2008 Oct] An Open Letter to Brian Deer Rebutting His Article 'Families duped by a sad smearmaster of MMR fabrication and hatred' by Martin J Walker MA