Hilary Butler
Blog http://www.beyondconformity.co.nz/
See: Breastfeeding & Bottle-feeding
Forum: http://forums.beyondvaccination.com/index.php
[2008 Oct]
From One Prick to Another
[June 2006] Just A Little
Prick by Peter and Hilary Butler
[Letters BMJ
Becoming Ben Oct 2008]
Hilary Butler documenting HIB, then Prevnar now MRSA
MenZB Lies incorporated by Hilary Butler
Blog articles
[2009 Oct Natalie Morton] A message
to the gullible by Hilary Butler EVEN THOUGH it’s underlying conditions
which are said to be the main problem, you can bet your next sunshiny day, that
when the swine flu vaccine come out, we will all be told to have them. You
won't be told, "The vaccine is unnecessary because
it’s ONLY the underlying health issues that are the problem." We will
probably be told that everyone needs to have the vaccine, in order to protect
all those with underlying conditions!!
....Consider the 17 deaths from swine flu in this country, who have died,
supposedly because of
underlying conditions
.....All these people ONLY died from Swine flu, because the swine flu virus
produces a serious health condition AS A RESULT of an
underlying condition
.......don’t you think it’s amazing that while over a million American kids land
up in hospital with drug reactions and adverse side effects from drugs every
year, everything that happens after vaccines, is always blamed on the parent, or
the person, BUT..... never the vaccine?
Sept] Science without principles Ever since my eyes were opened to
this issue 28 years ago, the mantra has always been, "When it comes to
vaccines, a serious reaction is always something that would have happened
anyway, and can't have anything to do with the vaccine."
....Drugs however? ... That's another matter. They can be honest about drugs,
after all.. patents come and go, new drugs supercede old one, and not everyone
takes every drug, so "drugs" are not the money spinner that vaccines are.
....How is it that a million or so children, every year, are admitted to suffer
from reactions from drugs etc, yet when it comes to the 4.4 million USA babies
who are vaccinated every year, most reactions are listed as coincidental?
[2009 July] Why anyone, with any flu, would be an idiot to take Paracetamol
[2009 June] More Swine flu porkies by Hilary Butler
[2009 April] When Swine Flu isn't swine flu by Hilary Butler
What was the real 19th century grim reaper? by Hilary Butler
[2008 Oct] Whooping cough lies, ad infinitum by Hilary Butler
[2008 Nov] Fleas, the good, the bad and the very ugly by Hilary Butler
[Aug 2008] Australian parents on the run by Hilary Butler
[Aug 2008] Flu jab doesn't work in healthy elderly--Hilary Butler Obviously the flu vaccine is a dud, so can we toss it out now?....Life is certainly not boring when you are an influenza vaccine expert, trying to justify your existence.
[July 2008] The ethics of Cord clamping and stem cell collection by Hilary Butler
Thoughts on breastmilk and
vitamin contents by Hilary Butler
[pdf WAVES SPRING/5UMMER2OO2] Unvaccinated Children are Healthier