Dr. G Buchwald MD
Vaccine critics
Dr. med. G. Buchwald, Am Wolfsbuhl 28, 9518 Bad Steben.
His ph/fax number is (49) 92 88 8328:

[Dr. med. Gerhard Buchwald, born in 1920, is specialist for internal medicine and lung diseases. For the past four decades he has campaigned tirelessly for freedom of information and freedom of choice concerning vaccinations. He has given about 500 lectures and has written about 200 scientific papers concerning vaccinations and damage caused by vaccinations. He has also provided about 150 medical assessments of cases of vaccine damage for claims for compensation.]


Dr. Buchwald testimony before the Quebec College of Physicians Medical Board

Buchwald G. [See Related Articles] [Convulsive disease recognized by a court decision as a vaccination injury following smallpox vaccination]. Med Welt. 1967 Jun 17;24:1488-91. German. No abstract available.PMID: 4389310; UI: 69226516.

Buchwald G. [See Related Articles] [Letter: Smallpox vaccination: more harm than benefit]. MMW Munch Med Wochenschr. 1975 Mar 7;117(10):411-2. German. No abstract available.PMID: 804606; UI: 75138089.

Buchwald G, et al.[Against compulsory smallpox vaccination]. Med Welt. 1972 May 13;23(20):758-60. German. No abstract available. PMID: 5037193; UI: 72214698.

Vaccination - A Business Based on Fear ISBN 3-8334-0162-1
The Vaccination Nonsense (2004 Lectures) ISBN 3-8334-2508-3 
The Decline of Tuberculosis despite "protective" Vaccination by Dr. G Buchwald MD
