Allergies & vaccines
Diseases & vaccines
Barbara Feick Gregory's Vaccines & Food Allergies Information website
[2009 April] Vaccines Are The Major Cause of Food Allergies By Barbara Feick Gregory
Peanut oil is a common trade secret ingredient in vaccine adjuvants.[Asthma and Allergies] TO THE NUFFIELD COUNCIL ON BIOETHICS CONSULTATION ON "PUBLIC HEALTH: ETHICAL ISSUES" SUBMITTED BY CLIFFORD G. MILLER
[Letter BMJ Sept 2006] HARD FACT - WHAT CAUSES ALLERGIES---Clifford G. Miller
Study links childhood vaccines to 'huge' increase in allergies
Children with adverse effects from Hep B vaccine
[Media UK] Why children are allergic to affluence
Kaisha [DPT--severe allergies, celiac disease]
Single vaccine that could wipe out common allergies
"I observed that my
unvaccinated children were healthier, hardier and more robust than their vaccinated peers.
Allergies, asthma and pallor and behavioral and attentional disturbances were clearly more
common in my young patients who were vaccinated. My unvaccinated patients, on the
other hand, did not suffer from infectious diseases with any greater frequency or
severity than their vaccinated peers: their immune systems generally handled these
challenges very well."--Incao's Hepatitis B
Vaccination Testimony
"The number of American children suffering from life threatening peanut allergies has doubled in the past five years and the number of Americans with food allergies has risen from 6 million to 11 million. This runs parallel with the doubling of asthma, learning disabilities, ADHD; the tripling of diabetes and a 200 to 7,000 percent increase in autism in every state in the U.S. during the past 20 years. As more and more vaccines are mandated to prevent more and more infectious diseases in early childhood, more and more Americans are stuck on sick. So the pharmaceutical industry produces drugs and vaccines that medical doctors sell to patients to try to "cure" the chronic illness that vaccines and suppression of all infectious disease helped to cause in the first place. What a racket" BL Fisher [NVIC Nov 2004] Food Allergy Vaccin
"Today, there are about 150 vaccines being worked on, and within the next decade, we could have a flu vaccine for the left nostril and one for one right nostril. Mankind will be used as a pin cushion. For every vaccination, minimal encephalopathy destroys brain cells. As a result, in Germany, there are 1.2 million children who have contracted hyperkinetic syndrome who are then treated with Psychopharmeca (a drug similar to Ritalin) used to calm them down... We have hundreds of thousands of so-called minimal cerebral dysfunction cases and millions of neurodermatitis patients. In Germany, there are millions of people with allergies. We dont just produce minimal encephalopathies in the brain, but we also produce modifications of the genetic code."--Dr Buchwald MD
"Recently, Imani and Kehoe (Infection of Human B Lymphocytes with MMR Vaccine Induces IgE Class Switching. Clinical Immunology, Vol. 100, No. 3, September, pp. 355-361, 2001) also from Johns Hopkins, reported that MMR vaccine induced a change in human immune cells consistent with the induction of allergy and asthma. They stated this: "Vaccination provides great protection against the mortality and morbidity associated with many childhood diseases and should not be discouraged, but it is possible that a side effect of viral vaccination constitutes an increase in the incidence of IgE-mediated disorders. A better understanding of the mechanism underlying this event may yield improved vaccines in the future." --- Jeff Bradstreet, MD
External links
The culprit behind asthma and allergies:
vaccination by Bronwyn
Hancock, BSc